The University of Idaho Library facilitates access to many diverse collections. Explore collections that span a variety of topics and formats, including physical and digital campus resources as well as collections that preserve and document Idaho's past.

Special Collections and Archives houses primary source materials including personal and organizational records, university archives, rare books, manuscripts, and historical photographs; these and other materials support research into nearly all facets of the history of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest.
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Digital Collections is a continually growing, searchable database that provides access to rare and unique collections to enhance and support research and education at the University of Idaho. The primary subjects include historical Idaho and the jazz collections.
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Browse and search over 10,000 records for Theses and Dissertations completed at the University of Idaho. Full-text versions of some recent dissertations are available as well.
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The Government Documents department receives 100% of the federal publications, maps, and electronic data distributed by the Government Printing Office. This comprehensive collection contains 1.7 million items.
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The Gary Strong Curriculum Center, previously known as the IMTC, provides resources and space to meet the academic and instructional objectives of the students and faculty at the College of Education.
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INSIDE Idaho is the clearinghouse for digital geospatial information for the state of Idaho. This site serves as the mechanism to share data, resources, technologies and expertise.
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VERSO preserves and provides access to the research and creative output of the University of Idaho's faculty, students and staff. Fed from institutional and publicly accessible data, VERSO includes a network of web profiles and an archive of publications.
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The International Jazz Collections (IJC) is the premier jazz archive of the Pacific Northwest. Featuring the personal papers of the legendary Lionel Hampton and other great jazz artists and critics, the IJC enables research with primary historical sources.
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The map room is located on the northwest corner of the first floor of the Library, and contains atlases, extensive topographic maps of Idaho and the United States, historic aerial photographs of Idaho, and much more.
View CollectionAmerican Language and Cultures Program

The American Language and Cultures Program (ALCP) collection contains materials for English-language learners. Among the items are instructive writing, grammar, vocabulary, and speech and pronunciation texts. The collection also includes a variety of American Literature, including Hi-Lo (High-interest, low readability) books designed for adults seeking to advance their reading skills. The collection is not open for in-person visits; however, all items can currently be requested via the U of I Library Main Catalog for pick-up and check-out at the main Library. The ALCP Physical Location facet will limit a search to just ALCP items in the Library catalog (contact with questions).
Alfred W. Bowers Laboratory of Anthropology

The Alfred W. Bowers Laboratory of Anthropology is an independent unit of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences. The laboratory contains over 4,000 books and manuscripts, all of which can be found in the U of I Library Main Catalog. Lab materials do not circulate and must be used in the lab itself. The lab is located at 404 Sweet Avenue. Lab hours vary, so please contact the 208-885-1771 for questions about access.
Asian Studies Collection

The Asian Studies Collection is open to the public. Resources include books and DVDs on politics, economy, geography, philosophy, traditional health practices, ancient and contemporary literature, as well as textbooks and reference materials in Chinese, Japanese, and English. Materials in the library can be found in the U of I Library Main Catalog. All materials may be checked out to patrons with a Vandal or Community Borrower Card. To access, please visit the Admin Building Room 204. Open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. To confirm staff availability, please call 208-885-6179 in room 332 of the Administration Building or email before visiting.

The Board Game Collection provides popular board and card games for lending from the Library. Hosting an event? Build team work? Collaborate? Just have some fun? Browse the collection and start playing!
View CollectionHerbarium Collection

The Stillinger Herbarium has an extensive botanical library with over 2,000 volumes. The collection is strong in field guides for the Northwest and Rocky Mountains, Regional Flora Keys, artistic coffee table books, as well as Forest Service and Park Service Technical Reports. If you're looking for information about the flora of any ecosystem, the Herbarium is the place to look. All items can be found in and requested through the U of I Library Main Catalog. Herbarium hours are limited, but books can be picked up at the main library, or email for more information at