Joseph Tasby

by Brody Gasper

Joseph (Joe) A. Tasby Jr. was originally from Houston, Texas, where he attended Evan Edward Worthing High School, a school that was still segregated at his time of graduation in 1966.1 During his high school football career, he was a four-year letterman and an All-State selection during his senior year. He accepted a football scholarship from the University of Idaho and enrolled at the University in 1967, which helped him get away from hardships at home.

Even with his past experiences in Houston, Tasby noticed that there was more prejudice in Idaho, not in sports but in the social acceptance of Blacks. In an Argonaut article from 1968 by Laura Lorton, Tasby says, “We (the Negroes) are accepted totally in sports…On the cinders, the hardwood, or the football field, we’re all a part of the Vandal family. But we desire social acceptance also.”2 He includes the example of Idaho coeds refusing to date or dance with Black students for fear of hurting their reputations: “I have had young ladies living in Greek houses tell me, to my face, that they cannot risk their sorority standing by being associated with me because I am black.” 3 After experiencing racism at the University of Idaho, Tasby saw a need to educate the students on campus.

Tasby became significantly more involved in the school’s political atmosphere in 1968 and started writing a regular column for the Argonaut titled “The Darker Side,” that covered race issues at the University. His engagement in political activism on campus was met with disapproval and little support as indicated in letters responding to his writing.

One reader of the Argonaut commented negatively with bigoted and racist remarks, targeting not only Tasby but the “Black Man” in general: “Joe, I’m acquainted with three of ‘The Boys,’ Mr. Grosvenor, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Wheeler (Black male students). If the Negro race had more sensible people as these, there wouldn’t be a repeat of Harlem or Chicago. I also admire you, Joe, for using your brain rather than your muscle. I can see hope for the Black Man.” 4 The reader also includes the fact that both of his parents had been active members of the Ku Klux Klan for three years. This note depicts a part of the racial tensions and atmosphere at the University of Idaho in 1968, an environment that was not all too keen for the “Black Man” to have a voice on campus.

Joseph Tasby in The Argonaut

Clippings from the Argonaut featuring Joseph Tasby including Tasby's column, The Darker Side, and letters to the editor in response to Tasby.


Sonnet: "On Prejudice"

April 11, 1967

Sonnet poem titled, "On Prejudice" by Joseph A. Tasby featured in the Argonaut.


Judge Me First as a Man Says U - I Footballer Tasby,

February 2, 1968

Argonaut article profiling Joseph Tasby in which Tasby explains some of the difficulties and discrepancies with being a Black student athlete at the University of Idaho in the 1960s.


"The Darker Side" - September 24th, 1968

September 24, 1968

Column titled by Joseph Tasby and published in the September 24, 1968 issue of the Argonaut. Tasby writes about his observations on the campus culture and racial divisions.


"The Darker Side" - October 15th, 1968

October 15, 1968

Column titled by Joseph Tasby and published in the October 15, 1968 issue of the Argonaut. Tasby writes about Homecoming and information about the disparities between non-white and white workers.


Letter to the Editor: "Writer lauds Tasby"

October 18, 1968

Letter to the editor by Houghton H. Whithed responding to Joseph Tasby's column with mixed reactions and opinions on Tasby and his writing.


"The Darker Side" - October 22nd, 1968

October 22, 1968

Column by Joseph Tasby and published in the October 22, 1968 issue of the Argonaut. Tasby writes about hypocritical Christians, events on campus approaching Christmas, and his thoughts on the National Anthem.


Letter to the Editor: "The 'not so dark' side"

November 5, 1968

Letter to the editor by Ed Gibbens responding to Joseph Tasby's column in which Gibbens proposes a "'not-so-dark' side" and argues that not all "white Americans are bigots." Gibbens acknowledges "case[s] of white bigotry" on campus, but presents examples that presumably show acceptance and varied Black experiences.


"The Darker Side - November 5th, 1968

November 5, 1968

Column by Joseph Tasby.


Letter to the Editor: "Veterans refute Tasby"

November 5, 1968

Letter to the Editor from the "Veterans" responding to Joseph Tasby's column.


Letter to the Editor: "Tasby has a cause"

November 8, 1968

Letter to the Editor from harley C. Shreck Jr. in response to another letter to the editor regarding Joseph Tasby's column.


"The Darkest Side" - November 12th, 1968

November 12, 1968

Column by Joseph Tasby and published in the November 12th, 1968 issue of the Argonaut. Tasby responds to previous letters to the editors regarding his column. He addresses Mr. Gibbons and the "veterans" and ends with his list of "the boys" (a reference to "Alabama" Gene Kimbrel's letter), which includes peers Jay Wheeler and Adrian Prince.


Letter to the Editor

November 22, 1968

Letter to the editor responding to Josephy Tasby Argonaut Column complaining about individuals listed in Tasby's column, including Dr. Martin Luther King, and admonishing Tasby to focus on what can be done rather than creating a 'martyr image' while admitting his family members' membership in the klu klux klan.


To the Editor : "Does Alabama read?"

December 3, 1968

Letter to the editor by Ric Conard in response to another letter to the editor regarding Joseph Tasby's column.


"The Darker Side" - December 17th, 1968

December 17, 1968

Column by Joseph Tasby.


To the Editor: "Why not Negro History?"

December 17, 1968

Letter to the editor by Edward F. Weiskotten regarding the black history course.


"The Darker Side" - May 16th, 1969

May 16, 1969

Column by Joe Tasby.


Sonnet: "On Prejudice"

Judge Me First as a Man Says U - I Footballer Tasby,

"The Darker Side" - September 24th, 1968

"The Darker Side" - October 15th, 1968

Letter to the Editor: "Writer lauds Tasby"

"The Darker Side" - October 22nd, 1968

Letter to the Editor: "The 'not so dark' side"

"The Darker Side - November 5th, 1968

Letter to the Editor: "Veterans refute Tasby"

Letter to the Editor: "Tasby has a cause"

"The Darkest Side" - November 12th, 1968

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor : "Does Alabama read?"

"The Darker Side" - December 17th, 1968

To the Editor: "Why not Negro History?"

"The Darker Side" - May 16th, 1969


Despite this backlash and others, Tasby continued to pursue his political and academic goals on campus, with his most prominent being the establishment of a Black History course. On October 23rd of the same year, Tasby put together several petitions for the implementation of Anthropology 158: “Race Problems” and the first-of-its-kind Black History course at the University of Idaho. The petitions were sent to Dr. Carlton Iiams5, Academic Vice President Walter Steffens, and President Ernest Hartung,6 which were then circulated within both the History Department and the Faculty council.

Although the petitions collected a number of signatures that were small in comparison with the overall size of the student population at the time, the number of signatures showed the faculty that there was interest in the subjects.7 These petitions would sit on the docket in the History department meeting minutes for some time, with Drs. Rolland Siegfried and Willard Barnes taking the lead on implementing the Black History course, and creating an actual proposal for the course in 1969 and an updated version in 1970.8

The course, titled the “Negro in America” history course, was implemented for the 1970-1971 school year under the direction of Drs. Siegfried and Barnes. What Tasby had fought hard for was now a reality, the University of Idaho would have its very first Black History course thanks to him. The implementation of these courses threw the University of Idaho almost into a new era, one which would pave the way for greater inclusivity with Black students and faculty.

Tasby is one of the first of many Black student athletes to make an actual change at the University. During his time as a linebacker on the 1968’s Vandal football team, he made 25% of the tackles.9 Several pictures of his playtime appear in the Gem of the Mountain Yearbooks, specifically during 1968, which appears to have been his best.10 He was a football player that scouts had an eye out for. However, due to a knee injury during Tasby’s senior year, he was not drafted into the NFL.11

After graduating from the University of Idaho with his Bachelor of Science in Education, Tasby moved on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he received his master’s degree.12 He served as a substitute teacher for the Pearland Independent School District and is currently working as a Life Coach at his own company (J. Tasby Inc) in Houston.

Joe Tasby had a significant impact on the University of Idaho, being one of the forces directly responsible for the implementation of the University’s first Black History course as well as helping to educate the students on campus during his time at the school. Tasby is certainly an example of what student activism can accomplish and his story serves as inspiration for the current generation of students at the University of Idaho today.


  1. Laura Lorton, “Judge Me First as a Man Says U - I Footballer Tasby,” Argonaut, February 2, 1968, The Argonaut Digital Collection

  2. Ibid. 

  3. Ibid. 

  4. “To the Editor,” Argonaut, November 22, 1968, The Argonaut Digital Collection

  5. “Memorandum regarding petitions for “Negro History” course,” Black History at the University of Idaho

  6. “Memorandum regarding petitions for two new courses,” Black History at the University of Idaho

  7. “Memorandum regarding petitions for “Negro History” course.”Black History at the University of Idaho

  8. “Correspondence regarding “Proposal for a course to be entitled ‘The Negro in American History’,” Black History at the University of Idaho

  9. “The Big Ones Scouts are Watching; Here are Five Sparkling Sophomores, and the 90 College Players that the Pros Rank as the Best,” Sports Illustrated, Sept. 11, 1967. 

  10. University of Idaho, 1968 Gem of the Mountains, (Vol. 66 pp. 177-178), Gem of the Mountains Digital Yearbook Collection, accessed July 3, 2022. 

  11. Xtreme Heat Sports TV, “I AM Podcast - Season 1- Episode 8 Special Edition - Joseph Tasby”, August 4, 2020. 

  12. “Joseph Tasby” LinkedIn, accessed July 3, 2022.