Manuscript Group 148
Papers, 1915-1968
30 c.f.
The papers of Abe McGregor Goff were donated to the University of Idaho Library by Mr. Goff at two widely separated times. The first group, his official Interstate Commerce Commission and Post Office papers, were sent from Washington, D.C., in July 1967, with the proviso they be sealed for twenty years. The personal papers were donated in September 1984. The two groups were combined and were processed by Judith Nielsen between April and July 1987.
Abe McGregor Goff was born in Colfax, Washington, December 21, 1899, the fourth son of Herbert W. and Mary Francis (Dorsey) Goff. In addition to his three brothers he had one younger sister. He left high school from September 1917 to February 1918 to serve as a private in the Washington State National Guard during World War I. He returned to school and graduated in 1918. While at Colfax High School he was on both the track and football teams.
Working his way through the University of Idaho he held such jobs as day laborer in a lumber mill, construction worker, plumbers helper, dish washer, and was also sexton at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. He also found time to participate in dramatics, where he appeared in many plays including the part of the Indian Chief in "The Light on the Mountain", in football where his exploits earned him one of the first spots in the University of Idaho Athletic Hall of Fame, and in campus politics where he was elected president of the Freshman Class for the third quarter, and in April 1923 ran for president of the ASUI, but was defeated by Talbot Jennings. He was also active in the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Goff was a cadet colonel in the university ROTC regiment and was commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the infantry reserve in February 1923. In 1933 he transferred to the Judge Advocate General's Department as a Captain, and when called to active duty had risen to Major.
After graduating from the University of Idaho Law School in 1924 he was admitted to the Idaho Bar and joined the law office of C.J. Orland. His first case, which he lost, was defending a West Virginian accused of making moonshine. In addition to his law practice Goff was football coach at Moscow High School for several years, and also a lay reader at the Episcopal Church in Colfax.
He was appointed Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Latah County in 1924 and elected to the position of Prosecuting Attorney in 1926, serving successive terms through 1934.
On August 24, 1927 Abe Goff married Florence Letitia Richardson, a 1923 graduate of the University of Idaho, who was a physical education teacher at the university. They had two children, Timothy Richardson and Annie McGregor.
In 1940 he was elected state senator after an unsuccessful primary campaign for the nomination as U.S. Senator. As state senator he introduced and secured passage of a bill recognizing the power of the Supreme Court to make rules governing procedure in all courts in Idaho. He also introduced bills amending the community property statutes.
In August 1941 he was recalled to active duty as a Major, later being promoted to Colonel, in the Judge Advocate General's Department. One of the first officers to go overseas, in February 1942 he was sent to Africa and the Middle East as legal advisor to the U.S. Military North African Mission, headquartered with the British army in Cairo. He was with the British during Rommel's advance across Africa in the spring of 1942. He also saw duty in Italian East Africa and Iran. He was military envoy to Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and military escort of Madame Chaing Kai-shek during her visit to Eritrea.
Returning to the United States after sixteen months in Africa, Goff served as assistant chief of the International Law Division in the office of the Judge Advocate General and as Special Council for the War Department in numerous cases in Federal Courts throughout the U.S. involving the constitutionality of wartime powers exercised by army area commanders, and later served as Deputy Director of the U.S. War Crimes Office. He went to London as senior War Department representative to the Allied War Crimes Conference in 1945 and served in Europe and the Pacific area setting up procedures for the prosecution of war criminals. While assigned to General McArthur's staff in Tokyo he organized the International Prosecution Section for the trial of Tojo and other Japanese war criminals, but did not participate in the prosecutions.
He returned to the U.S. and the office of the Under Secretary of War in the spring of 1946 to serve, until relieved from duty in September 1946, as a member of a special clemency board charged with reviewing sentences of convicted military prisoners. He was awarded the Legion of Merit, the Army Commendation Medal, and eight other service or campaign medals.
In 1946, while still on active duty, he was nominated as the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives seat held by Compton White, Sr. He won this election, and, as a member of the 80th Congress was elected president of the 80th Club, a group composed of 74 first year House Republicans; other officers were J. Caleb Boggs, vice-president, and Richard Nixon, secretary. Goff was also a member of the Committee on Agriculture and of the Speaker's Steering Committee for the House. In 1948 he was defeated in his bid for re-election by White when the First District voted heavily for Truman.
Following this defeat he, returned to active military duty for six months on a special assignment dealing with the new code for courts-martial, as chairman of a Board of Review in the office of the Army Judge Advocate General.
In the summer of 1949 he returned to Moscow to resume his law practice, this time alone, Orland having died in the interim. It was not until 1953, just shortly before going to Washington, D.C., that he took in a new partner, Cope Gale of St. Maries. Following the death of U.S. Senator Bert Miller in 1950, Goff attempted to gain the nomination for his seat, but lost out to former Senator Henry Dworshak.
Following the Eisenhower victory in 1952, Goff wrote many letters to colleagues asking for assistance in getting a federal appointment. His chance came in December 1953, when, at the request of Postmaster Arthur Summerfield, he went to Washington, D.C. to accept the position of Solicitor of the Post Office, a title which was later changed to General Council. His appointment became effective February 1, 1954.
He resigned his Post Office position when President Eisenhower named him to fill Owen Clarke's unexpired Interstate Commerce Commission term. His appointment was confirmed by the Senate on January 30, 1958 and he took his oath of office on February 12. On December 29, 1959, he was reappointed for a full seven year term. In April 1963 he replaced Donald McPherson as Vice Chairman of the Commission, and in 1964 his colleagues elected him Chairman. Although he had the unanimous endorsement of industry and the practitioners, President Johnson chose not to reappointment him when his term expired in December 1966. Goff remained on the commission until July 1967 when his replacement, Grant Syphers, was confirmed. In Goff's words: "Apparently I am too staunch a Republican and advocate of the independence of the Commission to be reappointed by this highly partisan administration."
Since he was within two years of mandatory retirement when he left the Interstate Commerce Commission, Goff decided to return to Moscow, Idaho, where he spent the remaining 17 years of his life. After several months of ill health, Abe Goff died on Friday, November 23, 1984. He was survived by his wife and daughter, his son having died previously.
He was a member of and held national offices in the Idaho State Bar Association, American Bar Association, American Society of International Law, American Judicature Society, Federal Bar Association, and Judge Advocates Association. He was admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Supreme Court of the Philippines, and the Supreme Court of Idaho. He was also a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Reserve Officers Association, The Military Order of the Carabao, Beta Theta Pi fraternity, Masons, and Elks. He was a longtime member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Moscow and served as its treasurer for many years while an attorney in town.
The papers of Abe McGregor Goff span the years 1915 to 1968, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1942 to 1967. There are 20 cubic feet of Interstate Commerce Commission material, 13 feet of cases decided by the commission and 7 feet of office files containing correspondence, newspaper clippings, brochures, reports, and reprints. The remaining material consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, brochures, etc. relating to Goff's careers in the military and Post Office Department, also his legal and political activities. There are also speeches, mementos, income tax returns, photographs, and scrapbooks, some relating to his days in Colfax and also his time at the University of Idaho.
There is very little material from Goff's political career, only a few brochures and posters from his campaigns, and some correspondence, much of it written after the Eisenhower victory in 1952 when Goff was attempting to obtain a government appointment. There is no material from his retirement years in Moscow.
The major portion of the Goff papers were received in sealed boxes for which Mr. Goff had prepared a brief description of the contents. These papers were left in their original order and the original folder headings and basic divisions were likewise retained. The second group of material, received in 1984, was likewise in labeled boxes. and folders. Although some of these items related to the earlier material no attempt at integration was made. Instead, the sealed boxes were considered as "professional" papers and the latter as "personal." The personal papers were sorted by career, i.e., Interstate Commerce Commission, Post Office, Military, early years. Each division contains papers, mementos, and photographs.
The Interstate Commerce Commission papers, which form the vast majority of this manuscript group, are divided into several subseries: cases, office files, personal files, and "Chairman's Reading File." The folders for the individual cases contain the original petitions, memorandums, reports, suggested changes in reports, records of commission votes, and final decisions of the commission. Some of the folders contain material from the files on Owen Clarke whom Goff replaced. Since there are so many cases (13 cubic feet) the contents are summarized by type in the following inventory. The cases which concern the Pacific Northwest are listed below:
Box Folder Description 2 25 Clarke Tank Lines Company, Extension, Billings, Montana, 1959-1960 5 95-96 Pacific Motor Trucking Co., Extension, Oregon, 1956-1961 8 141 Northern Pacific Railway - Discontinuance of Passenger Service, Spokane to Lewiston, 1965 152 Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines - Merger with Great Northern Railway Co., 1964 9 172 Accident near Missoula, Montana, 1962 11 230 Western Pacific Railroad Co. v. Camas Prairie Railroad Co., 1965-1967 12 240 Washington Potato and Onion Shippers Assn. v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., 1957-1958 245 Idaho Intrastate Freight Rates and Charges, 1960-1961 255 Grain - Idaho, Oregon & Washington to Ports in Oregon and Washington, 1962-1966 13 268 Idaho Intrastate Freight Rates and Charges, 1958-1960 269 Oregon Intrastate Freight Rates and Charges, 1960
The second subseries consists of office files arranged alphabetically. These include such items as the effect of Alaskan statehood on the ICC, and other background material for cases before the commission. The third subseries contains similar background material on general ICC practices as well as a few files of personal interests. the "Chairman's Reading File" contains letters written by others for Goff's signature, especially responses to congressmen and public officials.
The second series consists of correspondence Goff maintained while at the Post Office Department and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Most of the correspondence is a mixture of personal and professional. There is some interesting correspondence with Elizabeth Takeda dating from 1963-1967. She was a young Japanese girl the Goff's sponsored at the Parsons School of Design; Goff had become acquainted with her father when he was in Japan after World War II.
Series three, Trips and Speeches, is also subdivided. The first section contains a folder for each speech Goff gave while at the ICC. Included are correspondence, programs, travel vouchers, a marked copy of the speech, and photographs of the occasion. These are arranged chronologically. The second section contains speech notes, mimeographed speeches and printed speeches, some printed in the Congressional, others in Post Office journals. These are arranged chronologically by type of speech, e.g., patriotic and political, post office related, ICC related, etc.
The fourth series contains Goff's official Post Office papers, including correspondence with postal unions, which are arranged alphabetically by organization, material on official functions such as first day issues and post office dedications, and investigations, appointments, etc., which are arranged by state, and alphabetically arranged subject files. Among those items arranged by state is correspondence dealing with the remodeling of the Moscow post office.
The next series contains reports, correspondence, mementos, and photographs of Goff's military career. These are arranged by theater of operation. Also included in this series are two published books in which Goff has made notes. The rather late inclusive dates in this series reflect Goff's ongoing correspondence with some of his military colleagues.
Goff's legal office papers consist of correspondence and notes dealing with the examination of property abstracts, papers on specific cases he handled, and corporation, records for two businesses he was involved with, Moscow Air Transportation Company, and the Moscow Queen Mining Company.
The remaining papers constitute the personal papers. Series seven contains photographs, clippings, correspondence, and publications relating to Goff's public life, while series eight contains clippings and photographs of his family, friends, and college life. There are also items dealing with his fraternity activities and several certificates.
The final series contains oversize items such as scrapbooks, photograph albums, photographs, and medals from high school sporting events.
All material was originally in legal size folders; by refoldering into letter size folders the total number of containers was reduced. Many printed government documents in the Interstate Commerce Commission material were transferred to the Government Documents Department of the library, published books were added to the library's general collection. Duplicate near print items, especially numerous in this category were speeches and memoranda, were discarded, as were duplicate copies of programs and articles. In all, this group was reduced by 26 cubic feet.
I. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1953-1967
A. Cases, 1953-1967 1-13
B. Office Files, 1956-1957 14-18
C. Personal Files, 1953-1967 18-20
D. Chairman's Reading File, 1964 20
II. Correspondence, 1953-1967
A. Personal File, 1953-1967 21-22
B. Miscellaneous, 1958-1967 22
Ill. Trips and Speeches, 1944-1968
A. Interstate Commerce Commission Trips, 1957-1967 22-24
B. Speech Notes and Printed Speeches, 1944-1968 24-25
IV. Post Office Department, 1954-1958
A. Post Office Unions, 1954-1958 25
B. Post Office Matters, by State, 1954-1958 25-26
C. Alphabetical Files, 1954-1957 26
V. Military Career, 1941-1967 27
VI. Legal Practice, Moscow, Idaho, 1925-1953
A. General, 1925-1953 28
B. Moscow Air Transportation Company, 1929-1932 28
C. Moscow Queen Mining Company, 1936-1943 28
VII. Personal Papers - Professional Life, 1925-1967
A. Military Career, 1942-1946 28
B. Politics, 1925-1956 28-29
C. Post Office Department, 1954-1959 29
D. Interstate Commerce Commission Years, 1957-1967 29
VIII. Personal Papers - Private Life, ca.1900-1965 29
IX. Oversize Items, 1915-1963 30
Box Folder Description Items
1-6 1-114 Operating Rights Cases (91), 1955-1967 4250 6 115-123 Finance Cases - Motor (9), 1958-1967 380 7-10 124-180 Finance Cases - Rail (40), 1953-1967 1900 10 181-202 Rate Cases - Motor (22), 1958-1967 420 10-13 203-271 Rate Cases - Rail (66), 1957-1967 2110 13 272-277 Rate and Finance Cases (6), 1957-1967 170
14 278 Advisory Committees, 1960-1964 53 279 Air Express Agreement, 1959 8 280 Air Freight Forwarding, 1964 8 281 Airline Competition with Buses, 1963-1965 7 282 Airline Strike, 1966 10 283 Alaska - Earthquake, 1964 17 284 Alaska - Effects of Statehood, 1958 14 285 Alaska - Hawaii Grandfather Applications, 1960-1964 20 286 Alaska - Motor Carriers, 1958-1961 28 287 Alaska - Water Carriers & Freight Forwarders, 1958-1959 14 288 American Bar Association Hearing Examiners Committee, 1966-1967 38 289 Applicant Fitness, 1959-1965 42 290 Appointment Calendars, 1962-1966 6 291 Appropriations--1966, 1964-1965 20 292 Assignments, Committee on, 1959-1966 40 293 Association of American Railroads, 1961-1967 32 294 Association of Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners, 1961-1967 55 295 Attorney Standards, 1959-1966 45 296 Authentication of Annual and Other Reports, 1960 11 297 Awards, 1956-1965 58 298 Baggage Liability, 1965 6 299 Booz, Allen & Hamilton Survey, 1960-1962 27 300 Boston & Maine Railroad, Miscellaneous, 1958-1965 37 301 Briefs, 1964-1965 52 302 Bureau of the Budget, Escalation of Grades, 1962-1964 30 303 Bureau of the Budget, Miscellaneous, 1958-1967 20 304 Canada, 1963-1964 17 305 Canons of Conduct, 1961-1967 38 306 Carrier Securities Acquisitions, 1965-1966 28 15 307 Committee Against Unlawful Transportation; Committee on Transportation Practices, 1963-1964 18 308 Census of Transportation, 1961 3 309 Civil Rights - Racial Discrimination, 1958-1965 47 310 Commissioners' Speeches, 1962-1967 15 311 Commission's Seal & Flag, 1957-1958 7 312 Committee on Legislation, 1958-1967 23 313-314 Consolidation - Mergers, 1960-1967 22 315 Decision and Order (DANDO), 1961-1964 30 316 Delegation of Authority, 1961-1965 48 317 Dining Room, 1963-1966 22 318 Division 1, 1958-1966 26 319 Division 2, 1966-1967 19 320 Divisions, 1959-1965 39 321 Doyle Committee Report, 1961 7 322 Electronic Recording of Commission Proceedings, 1967 11 323 Employee Conduct, 1958-1964 7 324 Equal Employment Opportunity, 1964-1967 6 325 Evaluation of Carrier's and Commission's Predictions ... 1961-1967 25 326 Ex Parte Communications & Proceedings, 1963 19 327-329 Field Reorganization, Bureau of Motor Carriers, 1954-1965 75 330 Freight Car Shortage, 1963-1967 71 331 Freight Forwarders & Water Carriers, 1958-1966 36 332 Fund Raising Campaigns, 1958-1966 16 333 General Transportation Importance: Issues, 1960-1967 70 334 Grandfather Proceedings, 1958-1963 51 335 Guarantee of Loans, 1959-1965 20 336 Hawaii, 1959-1960 21 337-338 Hearing Examiners, Files #1 & #2, 1953-1964 135 339 Hearing Examiners, Detail & Assignment, 1959-1967 33 340 Hearing Examiners, Itineraries, 1964-1967 10 341 Holding Companies Subject to Security Provisions of the Act, 1959 10 342 Household Goods Carriers, 1960-1964 28 343 Hovercraft (Interagency), 1964-1965 34 344 Individual Commissioner Cases, 1961 41 345 Information to be Made Available to Public, 1960-1963 22 346 Inland Empire Waterways Association, 1959-1967 57 347 Interagency Boards, 1961-1967 11 348 Interagency Committee (CAB-ICC-FMC), 1963-1967 46 349 Interagency Group (CAB-ICC-FMC), 1964 65 350 Interstate Commerce Act, 1966-1967 15 351 Invasion of Privacy, 1964-1967 5 352 Justice, Department of, 1958-1965 35 353 Kennedy Memorial Library, 1964 19 354 Landis Report, 1961 4 355 Lincoln Sesquicentennial Year, 1959 3 356 Mail Covers, 1964 4 357 Managing Director, Functions of, 1958-1965 15 358 Managing Director, Miscellaneous, 1959-1966 25 17 359 Managing Director, Numbered Memos, 1958-1967 21 360 Medals of Honor, 1963-1966 75 361 Motor Carrier Operating Authorities - Removal of Restrictions, 1965 15 362-363 One Man Orders, 1963-1966 98 364 Pan American Highway System, 1958-1967 17 365-366 Paperwork Burden, 1956-1965 56 367 Personnel Actions, 1959-1964 56 368-369 Petitions, Filing, Handling, etc., 1959-1966 111 370-371 Press Releases, 1964-1967 260 372 Proceedings, Office of, 1963-1967 35 373 Rail Passenger Service, 1965-1967 15 374 (Possible) Rail Shutdown, Summary File, 1963-1964 14 375 Rail Strike, Transportation Priorities, 1963 17 376 Railroad Work Rules Dispute, 1963-1964 55 377 Railway Labor Executives Association, 1962-1966 8 18 378 Seventy-fifth Anniversary Observance, April 1962, 1960-1962 41 379 Recommendations, Legislative, 90th Congress, lst Session, 1967 31 380 Super Grades, 1955-1965 57 381 Transportation Association of America, 1959-1969 27 382 Wall Street Journal, 1964 22 383 Western States Motor Carrier Strike, 1958 25 384 White House, Monthly Reports from ICC, 1961-1967 103
385 Administrative Procedure Act, 1956-1959 32 Appointment to the Commission 386 Hearing, 1958 1 387 Clippings, Articles, 1958-1959 43 388 Congratulatory Letters, 1958 216 389 Congratulatory Letters, Reappointment, 1959 52 390 Congratulatory Letters, as Chairman, 1964 190 391 Non-reappointment (typed diary), 1966-1967 1 18 392-395 B&O - C&O Control Case, 1962-1964 164 396 Biographies of Present Commissioners, 1956 4 397 Brickbats & Bouquets, 1960-1964 90 398 Bush, John W., 1964 17 399 Carroll Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, 1960-1961 15 400 Chairman ICC - Procedure, etc., 1963-1964 43 401 Clippings about Abe Goff, 1958-1961 25 402 Colgate Washington Study Group, 1965-1967 11 403 Conley, Lester R., 1965 12 19 404 Cooperative Agreement, IPUC-ICC, 1967 4 405 Decisional Process, 1957-1960 16 406 Expedition Decisions, 1959-1960 28 407 Files & Papers of Regulatory Agencies (Right to Know), 1957-1964 24 408 Football, 1962-1966 34 409 George Washington Law Review, October 1962. (ICC 75th Anniversary Commemorative Symposium) 1 410 Health and Medical, 1955-1961 26 411 Hearing Examiners, 1960-1962 32 412 ICC Guidelines, 1960-1963 20 413 ICC Orientation Class, 1962-1964 25 414 Kennedy Assassination, 1963 7 415 Landis, James, 1961-1964 15 416 Legislative Oversight Committee, 1958-1960 45 417 Miscellaneous, 1953-1967 14 418 Newsletter, 1962-1967 57 419-425 Reorganization Files, 1961-1965 163 426 Scuttling Regulatory Agencies, 1958-1960 9 427 Shinn, Glenn L., 1964-1965 15 428 Signature Reproductions of All Commissioners, 1887-1962 1 429 Southern Railway Co., 1963-1964 42 430-431 Speech Material, 1959-1966 82 20 432 Student Law Clerks Summer Seminar, 1964 8 433 Surveys, 1960"1961 32 434 Telephone Directories (ICC), 1959-1964 3 435 Transportation Policy & Program, 1960 2 436 Vice-Chairman, ICC, 1963 28
437-448 January - December 1964 2637 449 Hiring of Ben Kelley, 1964 8 450 Correspondence, Mostly as Chairman, 1958-1965 124
20 451 Autographs, 1946-1966 88 452-453 A-B 419 21 454 C 243 455 Church, Washington, D.C. & Moscow, 1957-1967 52 456-458 D-F 418 459 Federal Bar Association - Goff Luncheon, 2/10/64 11 460-471 G-S 2000 472 Social Correspondence, Post Office Department, 1954- 1958 84 473 T 104 474 Takeda, Elizabeth, 1963-1967 93 475 Transportation Briefing Conference, Federal Bar Association, 1959-1967 67 476 Topsail Island Vacations, 1960-1963 34 22 477 U-Z 257
478 A 110 479 American Trucking Associations, 1958-1967 70 480-489 B-Z 832 490 Unanswerable Letters (Crank File), 1964 12
491 Railroad Transportation Institute, Chicago, 4/23/58 10 492 Association of Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners, Washington, D.C., 4/9/58 16 493 ICC Practitioners' Association, Metropolitan Chapter, New York City, 5/20/58 14 494 Moscow (Idaho) Trip, June 1958 11 495 Michigan Trucking Association Convention, Grand Rapids, 9/12/58 25 496 Association of ICC Practitioners, District 1 Chapter, Boston, 10/23/58 12 497 Contract Carriers Conference, Miami, 11/17/58 28 498 Board of Governors, Regular Route Common Carrier Conference, Dallas, 2/12/58 22 499 Movers and Warehousmen's Association of America, Inc., Beverly Hills, 3/4/59 21 500 National Defense Transportation Association, Baltimore, 5/15/59 35 22 501 Opening of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, 6/26/59 25 502 Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Year, 12/29/59 2 503 Motor Carrier Sawyers Association, San Francisco, 4/27/60 29 504 Mountain-Pacific States Conference of Public Service Commissions, Sun Valley, 6/6/60 36 505 Federal Bar Association, Chicago, 9/16/60 25 506 Boise Trip, IPUC Joint Hearing,, 10/6/60 13 507 ICC Practitioners Association, Chicago, 12/9/60 27 508 Central Area Shipper-Motor Carrier Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 2/2/61 36 509 Common Carrier Conference, Irregular Route, Miami, 3/7/61 15 510 Christening of M/V John Ladd Dean, Pittsburgh, 4/5/61 26 511 Seatrain, Sea-Land Operations, New York, 5/19/61 13 512 Association of ICC Practitioners, Denver, 5/26/61 29 513 Mountain-Pacific States Conference of Public Service Commissions, Honolulu, 6/20/61 27 514 American Bar Association Convention, St. Louis, 8/7-11/61 14 515 Federal Bar Association Convention, Washington, D.C., 9/13-15/61 11 516 Traffic Club of Lansing (Michigan) 1/17/62 20 517 Atlanta Freight Bureau, Atlanta, 2/9-10/62 22 23 518 Accident Investigation, San Francisco, 2/14/62 18 519 Ohio Valley Traffic Club, Wheeling, W. Va., 4/26/62 29 520 Mountain-Pacific States Conference of Public Service Commissions, Seattle, 6/17-20/62 28 521 Accident Investigation, Missoula, 7/9-13/62 45 522 Association of ICC Practitioners, San Francisco, 8/8/62 26 523 American Movers Conference, Washington, D.C., 10/9/62 32 524 Federal Bar Association Convention, Philadelphia, 9/24-26/63 13 525 Transportation Association of America, New York, 1/14/64 19 526 Regular Route Common Carrier Conference, Chandler, Az., 2/13/64 12 527 National Conference of Non-Profit Shipping Associations, 2/27/64 5 528 Winston-Salem (North Carolina) Traffic Club, 3/4/64 31 529 Private Truck Council of America, Washington, D.C., 3/10/64 19 530 Brookings Institution Group, Washington, D.C., 3/19/64 11 531 Western Highway Institute, Phoenix, 4/2/64 41 532 Beta Theta Pi Seminar, Washington, D.C., 4/10/64 4 533 New Jersey Motor Truck Association, Camden, 5/2/64 10 534 Motor Carrier Lawyers Annual Conference,- Miami, 4/14/64 47 535 American Legion, Dept. of Justice Post, Washington, D.C., 4/20/64 12 23 536 National Defense Transportation Association Luncheon, Washington, D.C., 4/29/64 20 537 Association of ICC Practitioners, New York, 5/14/64 37 538 San Francisco Bay ICC Practitioners, 5/26/64 12 539 Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, 6/3/64 7 540 Transportation Safety Conference, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Atlantic City, 6/13/64 19 541 Federal Bar Association, Chicago Chapter, 6/17/64 33 542 American Bar Association, Administrative Law Section, New York, 8/11/64 36 543 Idaho Motor Transport Association, Sun Valley, 9/10/64 35 544 National Defense Transportation Association, New York, 9/21/64 37 545 Beta Theta Pi 50th Anniversary, Moscow, 10/9/64 44 546 Spokane Chamber of Commerce, 11/13/64 20 547 American Trucking Associations, Inc., Los Angeles, 10/29/64 24 548 Transportation Center, Northwestern University, Symposium, 11/9/64 12 549 National Transportation Policy Symposium, Washington, D.C., 11/17/64 27 550 Broadcast on ICC, Philadelphia, 2/3/65 10 551 Association of ICC Practitioners, Washington, D.C., 2/9/65 10 552 Beta Theta Pi Seminar, Washington, D.C., 3/12/65 5 553 Idaho State Bar Society, Sun Valley, 7/8-10/65 13 554 Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 5/2/65 31 555 Private Carrier Conference, Detroit, 5/13/65 29 556 National Association of Manufacturers, Washington, D.C., 6/16/65 16 557 Alaska Trip, Pacific Northwest Trade Association, 8/30/59 - 9/14/59 56 558 National Defense Transportation Association, Seattle, 9/14/65 43 559 Seattle Rotary Club, 9/15/65 22 560 American Shortline Railroad Meeting, Milwaukee, 9/27/65 26 561 National Wheat Utilization Research Conference, Boise, 11/4/65 35 562 Roy Snetzer Retirement, Pittsburgh, 12/2/65 19 24 563 Washington State Cattle Feeders Association, Wenatchee, 1/8/66 38 564 National Association of Manufacturers, Washington, D.C., 1/19/66 13 565 Gem State Lectures in Economics and Finance, College of Idaho, Caldwell, 2/25/66 34 566 Railroad Transportation Institute, Chicago, 4/13/66 27 567 Regular Common Carrier Conference, Houston, 5/12/66 43 568 Motor Carrier Lawyers Association Conference, Philadelphia, 5/19-21/66 19 569 Pacific Northwest Trade Association, Sun Valley, 9/19/66 55 570 Phi Alpha Delta Law Banquet, Moscow, Id., 9/30/66 46 571 Motor Carrier Lawyers Association, Palm Springs, 3/30/67 60 572 Pacific Northwest Trade Association, Spokane, 4/16-18/67 24 573 Signing of Cooperative Agreement, Boise, 4/20/67 40 574 Western Trip, May-June 1967 37 575 Golden Spike Ceremony, Royal City, Wash., 6/10/67 43
576 Speeches: Patriotic and Political, 1947-1953 40 577-596 Speeches Printed in Congressional Record, March 1947- May 1948 20 25 597-603 Speeches Printed in Congressional Record, June 1948 7 604 Speeches to Postal Service Workers, 1951-1958 32 605 Speeches Reprinted in Postal Service Journals, 1954-1957 5 606-608 Speeches While ICC Commissioner, 1958-1967 39 609 Statements at Congressional Hearings, 1960-1964 2 610 Speech Material, 1944-1968 25
611 National Alliance of Postal Employees, 1955-1958 4 612 National Association of Postal Supervisors, 1954-1957 17 613 National Association of Postmasters, National Conventions, 1954-1957 60 614 National Association of Postmasters, Idaho Chapter, 1954-1958 38 615-617 National Association of Postmasters, Other State Chapters, 1954-1958 174 618 National Association of Retired Civil Employees, 1956 2 619 National Federation of Post Office Clerks, 1954-1956 35 620 National League of Postmasters, National, 1955-1958 39 621-622 National League of Postmasters, State, 1955-1958 111 623 National Rural Letter Carriers Association, 1958 1
624 Alabama - California, 1956-1957 24 625 Idaho, 1954-1958 141 26 626 Indiana - Ohio, 1954-1958 84 627 Oklahoma Statehood Commemorative Stamp,,1957 53 628 Oregon - Virginia, 1954-1957 58 629 Washington - Wyoming 66
630 American Bar Association Meeting, 1956 7 631 Appointment, 1954 19 632 Conventions, General, 1954-1956 11 633 Correspondence, General, 1954-1965 140 634 Franking Privilege, 1958 6 635 Fraud in the Mails, 1954-1958 19 636 General Councils Committee, 1955-1963 56 637 Inter-American Bar Association, Peru, 1955 18 638 Inter-American Bar Association, Buenos Aires, 1957 45 639 Investigations, Congressional, 1956 38 640 Judge Advocates Association, 1955-1963 47 641 Lobbying, Postal Unions, 1956-1957 38 642 Mailability, 1954-1956 25 643 Miscellaneous, 1955-1960 18 644 Obscenity, 1955-1957 80 645 Propaganda, Subversive, 1955-1957 61 646 Philadelphia Kiwanis, 1957 7 647 Philadelphia Bulletin Forum, 1955-1957 50 648 Postal Service News Magazine, 1954 12 649 Speech Material, 1955-1957 64 650 Travel Expenses, 1954-1957 90 651 Tri City Herald, 1955 31
27 652 U.S. Military North African Mission, Cairo. Special Orders, 1942 74 653 North African Service Command, Cairo. Special Orders, 1942 47 654 Occupied Enemy Territory of Eritrea, Half Yearly Reports, 1942 2 655 Staff Judge Advocate, Eritrea Service Command, 1941- 1946 92 656 North Africa, Correspondence, 1942-1964 57 657 North Africa, S.N.T. Fratelli Gondrand v. The United States, 1961-1964 25 658 North Africa, Mementos, 1941-1944 20 659 War Plans Division, Washington, D.C., 1944 6 660 Judge Advocate General's Office, Washington, D.C., 1941-1951 18 661 United Nations War Crimes Commission. National Offices Conference, London, 1945 4 662 Europe, Mementos, 1945 10 663 Pacific Theater and War Crimes Trials, 1945-1946 78 664 War Crimes Trials, Publications, 1944-1960 20 665 World War II Publications, Pacific Series, 1945 9 666 V-J Day Newspapers, 1945 3 667 Pacific Theater, Mementos, 1945 44 668 Clemency Board, War Department, 1946-1948 22 669 SCAP Credentials, 1947 4 670 Board of Review, Judge Advocate General's Office, 1948-1949 23 671 Regular Army Commission, 1946-1949 30 672 World War II, Stories and Articles, 1943-1967 20 673 Maps, 1938-1950 6 674 Correspondence, etc., 1925-1954 20 675 Under the Red Sea Sun, by Commander Edward Ellsberg. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1953 1 676 The War Against Germany and Italy:_ Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas. Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1951 1
28 677 Abstract Examinations, Correspondence, 1925-1941 160 678 Abstract Opinions, 1950-1953 33 679 Cases: Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Adoption, 1932-1953 15 680 Cases: Adversary Suits, 1932-1935 15 681 Cases: Estates & Probate, 1931-1953 30 682 Cases: Standard Forms, n.d. 7 683 Cases: Mitzenberg v. Mitzenberg, 1939 8 684 Cases: Montgomery Ward, et al. v. Baileys, 1938-1941 111 685 Cases: Moore v. Dodge. 1934 6 686 Cases: Supreme Court Decisions in which Goff participated on Appeal, 1931-1939 9 687 G.P. Mix, 1931-1932 7 688 William Pearl Monroe, 1941-1942 10 689 Morris-Washington Idaho Seed Company, 1937-1940 27 690 Mortgages, 1935-1936 3 691 Moscow Publishing Company, 1939 63 692 Potlatch Lumber Company, 1928-1931 117
693 Organizational Matters, 1930-1931 31 694 Financial Material, 1930-1931 20 695 Legal Documents, 1930-1931 14 696 Correspondence, 1929-1932 131
28 697 Organizational & Financial Papers, Correspondence 87
698 African Tour, Photographs, 1942 24 699 Pacific Tour, Photographs, 1945-1946 105 700 Army Day in Moscow, Idaho, Photographs, 194? 8
701 Campaign Posters & Brochures, 1926-1950 20 702 Sample Ballots, Clippings, etc., 1926-1940 26 703 Letterheads, 1925-1948 6 704 80th Congress, 1947-1948 10 705 Correspondence, 1948 99 706 Senate Appointment, 1949 31 707 Eisenhower Appointment, 1952-1953 147 29 708 Court of Military Appeals, 1956 7 709 Correspondence & Clippings, 1948-1954 109 710 "The Capitol in Story and Pictures," 1955 1 711 Photographs, 1947-1948 15
712 Articles, 1954-1958 6 713 Mementos, 1954-1957 5 714 Photographs, 1954-1959 28
715 Articles and Clippings, 1957-1967 62 716 Articles and Clippings, 75th Anniversary, 1972 8 717 Articles and Clippings as Chairmen, 1964 82 718 Johnson-Humphrey Inauguration, 1965 19 719 Tape of Radio Broadcast, February 14, 1965 2 720 Photographs, 1958-1964 69
721 University of Idaho Mementos, 1919-1945 34 722 University of Idaho Clippings, 1919-1953 17 723 University of Idaho Football Clippings, 1921-1926 22 724 Moscow High School Football Coach, 1925-1926 7 725 Uncle Charlie Goff Material, 1923-1978 3 726 University of Idaho Photographs, 1918-1925 27 727 Family Photographs, ca.1900-ca.1945 25 728 Colfax, Washington Photographs, ca.1910-1915 28 29 729 "Boyhood Photos", ca.1910-1915 39 730 Photographs, Unidentified, 1920-1950 57 731 May Day, Moscow, Idaho, Photographs, 1953 9 732 Administrative Law Section, American Bar Association, 1960-1964 29 733 Beta Theta Pi, 1922-1964 15 734 Certificates, 1922-1955 8 735 Clippings and Mementos, 1913-1965 55 736 Florida Vacation, November 1956 7 737 Latah Gas Company, 1955-1957 13 738 Physical Exam, Bethesda Naval Hospital, 1954 2 739 North Redwood (MN) Station, Mrs. Goff's Birthplace, 1960-1961 13 740 Property Tax & Rental, Moscow & Priest Lake, 1953-1959 20 741-742 Income Taxes, Federal, Idaho, District of Columbia, 1949-1957 27
30 743-744 Photograph Albums, 1915-1926 2 745-746 Scrapbooks of Newspaper Clippings, 1922-1939 2 747 School-fellow Days; a Record Book, 1919-1920 1 748 Post Office Department Photographs, 1954-1956 10 749 Interstate Commerce Commission Photograph, 1963 1 750 Charlie Goff Photograph, n.d. 1 751 Medals from High School Sporting Events, ca. 1914-1915 11