University of Idaho

Manuscript Group 64

Moscow District Camp Fire Girls

Records, 1946-1984
1 cubic foot

The records of the Moscow District Camp Fire Girls were transferred to the University of Idaho Library by Richard Beck in 1971 and 1982 with additional materials subsequently donated in 1984. They were arranged and described by Marilyn Sandmeyer in 2004.

Historical Background

The national organization of Camp Fire Girls originally began as a summer camp at Lake Sebago, Maine. In 1910, Luther and and Charlotte Gulick established a foundation for both the recreation and education of girls. The group was officially incorporated on March 15, 1912. Many of the original founders of the Boy Scouts in the U.S. were instrumental in shaping a program specifically designed for girls.

The actual date for the establishment of a local Camp Fire Girls group in Moscow is vague. According to information gleaned from the records, a Camp Fire Girls group may have been in existence as early as 1912, shortly after it was incorporated nationally. Brochures within the collection include some interesting bits and pieces of information from newsclippings and local lore. Two area women from both Moscow and Lewiston had participated in Camp Fire activities at Lake Sebago and personally knew the founders. They started small, informal clubs in their perspective towns.

It wasn't until 1951 that Camp Fire was officially incorporated in the state of Idaho as the Sacajawea Council. The national framework of the organization dictated that a regional office be established first followed by an area Council and then individual town "districts." The Sacajawea Council was located in Lewiston and Moscow became the district. One of Moscow Camp Fire Girls earliest and most stalwart sponsors was the Moscow Historical Club.

Club activities occurred year-round, but summer camp and day camp were especially popular. Day camp was at Camp Kenjockety on Moscow Mountain while the summer camp sessions were held at Camp Neewahlu on Lake Coeur d' Alene. Information concerning the Sacajawea Council can be found in History Highlights, 1910-1986: Tah-ol La Kah District, Sacajawea Council, Camp Fire, Inc. published in Moscow, ID in 1987.

Scope And Content

The records of the Moscow District Camp Fire Girls span the years 1946 to 1984, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1951 to 1976. Included in the records are board of directors minutes, financial statements, annual reports, committee reports, articles of incorporation, by-laws, correspondence, camp information, and candy sales reports.

Arrangement and Description

The records were received in two installments between 1971 and 1982. Where original folder headings existed, the titles were retained. The three series, Administration, Camps, and Candy Sales, were established to reflect a reasonable means of organization.

Series List

I. Administration	Folders 1-27	
II. Camps	Folders 28-35	
III. Candy Sales	Folder 36	

Moscow District Camp Fire Girls

I. Administration

1	1	Camp Fire Girls, Inc. National Policies and Conference Material	1949, 1971	5	
1	2	Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation	1946, 1951	3	
1	3	Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Revised By-laws	1971	1	
1	4	Sacajawea Council By-laws	1961-1975	5	
1	5	Sacajawea Council Personnel Policies and Correspondence	1959-1974	3	
1	6	Sacajawea Council Board of Directors 	1959-1975	3	
1	7	Sacajawea Council Long Range Plan	1974	1	
1	8	Sacajawea Council Budget Reports, Statements	1954-1976	39	
1	9	Moscow District Camp Fire Financial Statements and Reports	1957-1973	16	
1	10	Sacajawea Council Audits	1955-1966	7	
1	11	Sacajawea Council Annual Meetings, Reports, Programs	1958-1984	7	
1	12	Sacajawea Sponsor Booklet	n.d.	1	
1	13	Sacajawea Council Board of Directors Minutes	1954-1960	38	
1	14	Sacajawea Council Board of Directors Minutes	1971-1974	44	
1	15	Moscow District Camp Fire Committee Minutes	1964-1969	53	
1	16	Moscow District Camp Fire Minutes	1970-1974	46	
1	17	Sacajawea Council and Moscow District Annual Reports	1957-1976	16	
1	18	Moscow District Adult Membership Committee	1952-1960	22	
1	19	Moscow District Camp Committee	1956-1963	7	
1	20	Moscow District Committee Lists and Correspondence	1958-1974	17	
1	21	Moscow District Finance Committee Budgets, Correspondence, Reports, Newsclippings	1952-1963	73	
1	22	Moscow District Group Organization Committee Charts, Brochures, Booklets, and Guidelines	1956-1957	10	
1	23	Moscow District Public Relations Committee	1956-1963	17	
1	24	Moscow District Training Committee Guidelines, Duties, and Policies	n.d.	5	
1	25	Sacajawea Council and Moscow District Newsletters	1957-1974	9	
1	26	Moscow Camp Fire Yearbooks	1958-1969	10	
1	27	Moscow Camp Fire Yearbooks	1969-1974	5	

II. Camps

1	28	Sacajawea Council Summer Camp Materials	1954-1962	30	
1	29	Moscow Day Camp Director and Leader Materials and Announcements	1959	4	
1	30	Moscow Day Camp Health Certificate, and Schedules	1960	1	
1	31	Moscow Day Camp Insurance Policies and Schedules	1961	6	
1	32	Moscow Day Camp Insurance Claims, Newsclippings, Program	1962	3	
1	33	Moscow Day Camp Financial Records, Insurance, Correspondence and Newsclippings	1963	21	
1	34	Moscow Day Camp Insurance, Activities and Newsclippings	1964	25	
1	35	Moscow Day Camp Newsclippings, Activity Booklet, Reports	1965	11	

III. Candy Sales

1	36	Correspondence, Agreements, Minutes, Brochures, Announcements	1949-1956	25	

June 2004 / MG064.htm

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