This Week at the Library - 2/29/2016 to 3/6/16


Wednesday, March 2nd (3:30-4:30); Introducing Jupyter Notebook for Python and R (Library Classroom)

Jupyter Notebook is a powerful tool for writing, using, and sharing code, perfect for academic teaching and learning. For researchers using Python and other languages, it is an efficient interface to iteratively explore data, present live code to students, or share data driven visualizations with colleagues. If you are just getting started with programming, it is also a great interactive environment for learning and prototyping code. This workshop will introduce the unique features that code notebooks offer to researchers and students. Participants will learn how to install and use Jupyter with the IPython and R kernels. Intended for: students, faculty, and staff interested in learning about code notebooks, sharing code, or learning to code. Complete beginners interested in learning about programming with Python are welcome and encouraged to attend!