Browse University of Idaho Library Digital Collections

Idaho Disease University of Idaho
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
The 1918 Flu Pandemic Collection brings together correspondence, reports, news articles, oral histories, and other materials that highlight the local...

Water Northwest UIResearch Columbia River Basin
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " data"] DATA ["documents", " data"]
The University of Idaho's Fish Ecology Research Lab in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA-Fisheries, and other...

UIResearch Agriculture Environmental University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A series of documents focused on agricultural economics produced by University of Idaho researchers.

UIResearch Agriculture Environmental Idaho Moscow, ID (Extension Offices)
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collaboration between the Library and University of Idaho Extension, the University of Idaho Extension and Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station...

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Al Grey was a jazz trombonist and bandleader. Rosalie Soladar was his companion and personal manager. Materials in this collection...

UI Campus Agriculture University of Idaho (Arboretum) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of newsletters pertaining to the University of Idaho's Arboretum and Botanical Garden, including reports, gardening tips, and other...

UI Idaho University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A database containing finding aids from the University of Idaho and other organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Idaho Campus UI Sports University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Over 700 photographs from the University of Idaho newspaper, The Argonaut.

Idaho Mining Fire Wallace, ID Kellogg, ID Burke, ID Mullan, ID Wardner, ID Cataldo, ID Silver Valley area in Idaho Coeur'Alene, ID Lolo Pass, MT
IMAGES ["images"]
The Barnard-Stockbridge Collection exhibits over 1000 photographs, selected from over 200,000 nitrocellulose and glass plate negatives, taken by Nellie Stockbridge...

Idaho UI Black History Sports University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", "v video"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", "v video"] V VIDEO ["documents", " images", "v video"]
Research, essays and scholarship from the Black History Research Lab

IMAGES ["images"]
Photographs from the collection of the Latah County Historical Society

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Newsletters and magazines produced by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, starting as the Buddhist Peace Fellowship Newsletter from 1979-1990 then continuing...

Idaho Mining Labor Wardner, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Bunker Hill Labor History Collection is 463 letters of correspondence between the managers and owners of the Bunker Hill...

Idaho UI Wilderness Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Region Bitterroot Mountain, ID University of Idaho Moscow, ID Packers Meadows, ID Kaniksu National Forest, MT Lolo Hot Springs, MT
IMAGES ["images"]
Charles Houston Shattuck was a professor in the College of Agriculture (now Natural Resources) who initiated 'Arboretum Hill' (now known...

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Time Table Documents from the Camas Prairie Railroad, operated by Northern Pacific Railway

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
An overview of the artworks owned by the University of Idaho. Many are publicly accessible.

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents"]
A collection of items illustrating the University of Idaho campus development plans, from the Olmsted Brothers to Today.

UIResearch Agriculture Environmental Idaho UI Twin Falls, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Cattle Producer's Handbook is prepared by the Western Beef Resource Committee (WBRC), which consists of beef specialists, economists, range...

Idaho Northwest UIResearch Rathdrum, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Chatcolab Northwest Leadership Laboratory has been running each summer since 1949. Chatcolab offers a unique opportunity to build leadership...

Idaho UI UIResearch Campus University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " videos"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " videos"] VIDEOS ["documents", " images", " videos"]
The College of Natural Resources (CNR) has a long-standing history, beginning in 1909 and continuing to this present day. During...

Dams Construction Water Northwest Grand Coulee, WA Canal systems of Central Washington
IMAGES ["images"]
Digitized photographs pertaining to the Columbia Basin Project. Special emphasis is placed on the construction of Grand Coulee Dam, the...

Photographs Dogs Letters Person Records University of Idaho McCall, Idaho Taylor Ranch Boise, Idaho
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " videos"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " videos"] VIDEOS ["documents", " images", " videos"]
"This collection includes photographs and documents related to David Lewis (i.e. Cougar Dave) and the purchase of Taylor Ranch. Also...

Idaho Construction Correspondence Lumber Sawmill Winchester, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents"]
Blueprints and correspondence from the Craig Mountain Lumber Company and Sawmill.

Poetry UIResearch Oral History Los Angeles, CA Cambridge, MA Irvine, CA New York, NY Moscow, ID Liberty Lake, WA Ashland, OR Long Beach, CA Cambridge, MA Bellingham, WA San Diego, CA
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " video"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " video"] VIDEO ["documents", " images", " video"]
CTRL+SHIFT is an online collection of audio recordings, transcripts, process visualizations, and data analyses broken out from interviews conducted with...

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
MEMORABILIA ["memorabilia"]
This collection was assembled by Special Collections and Archives of the University of Idaho Library with materials donated by Mrs....

UI Idaho Sports Campus University of Idaho Sacramento, CA
IMAGES ["images"]
A digital collection comprised of 52 photographs of boxers and boxing teams from the University of Idaho

Dams Construction Water Northwest Idaho Maps Dworshak Dam, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
Digitized photographs and documents pertaining to the planning, development and construction of the Dworshak Dam, featuring documents and photographs detailing...

Mining Stock Certificates Wallace, Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
Stock certificates collected by Earl H. Bennett of mining, lumber, and other related industries in the United States.

UIResearch Agriculture UI Idaho University of Idaho (Admin building) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Edward John Iddings was the Dean of the College of Agriculture at UI from 1915 to 1946. These slides depict...

Idaho Wilderness Photography Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
Photographs taken by Ernie Day depicting just a few of the many mountains and lakes found in Idaho, particularly those...

Forests Idaho Northwest Fire UIResearch Priest River, ID Deception Creek, ID Savenac Nursery, MT
IMAGES ["images"]
The Experimental Forest and Savenac Nursery Photo Archive contains photographs related to or depicting the establishment of two Forest Service...

Idaho Forests Latah Potlatch, ID Potlatch, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Family Tree was a newsletter published by Potlatch Forests, Inc. for their employees from 1936 - 1952. The newsletter...

UI Idaho Wildlife Agriculture Environmental University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents"]
Photographs of plants from Northern Idaho and Washington, 1932-1938.

UI Idaho Forests Students University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Photograph subjects include the University of Idaho campus, employees and students, and forested areas on Moscow Mountain and the Coeur...

UI Campus Newsletters University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Office of the President’s website publishes a variety of official communications including the Friday Letter, Vandal Connection, reports, videos,...

UIResearch UI University of Idaho (English Department) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
Fugue is the official literary journal of the University of Idaho's English Department.

UI Campus University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
The Gem of the Mountains was the official yearbook of the University of Idaho from 1903 to 2004.

UI Campus Photographs University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Black and white negatives from the Gem of the Mountains Yearbook Photograph Collection.

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of the The Genesee News and predecessor newspapers, the Recorder and Advertiser, covering 80 years from the arrival...

UI Education University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " audio"] AUDIO ["documents", " audio"]
The Guided Reading Library is a digital collection of short books created by students in the University of Idaho's College...

UI Idaho UIResearch Education University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
This collection provides access to a digital archive of past issues of Here We Have Idaho, the long standing official...

Idaho Oral History Hispanic Americans Idaho
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " audio", " images"] AUDIO ["documents", " audio", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " audio", " images"]
The Idaho Hispanic Oral History Project interviewed Hispanic immigrants and their descendants living in Idaho in 1991. This collection provides...

Archaeology Northwest UIResearch Pacific Northwest
IMAGES ["images"]
The Historical Japanese Ceramic Comparative Collection (HJCCC) provides researchers with comparative examples of Japanese ceramics that are found on North...

UI Theatre Campus Photographs University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Play production of the U of I Moscow campus was originally student body efforts and/or shows produced by the English...

UI Music University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of programs and posters from University of Idaho's annual Bach Festival

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Correspondence, newsletters, and meeting materials from the Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society from 1964-2016. The items in this collection...

Idaho Fire Forests Wilderness Idaho
IMAGES ["images", " documents", " maps"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents", " maps"] MAPS ["images", " documents", " maps"]
A collection of maps, images, and documents pertinent to the history of the CCC in Idaho representing the research discoveries...

UI Campus Idaho Sports University of Idaho (MacLean Field, Neale Stadium) Moscow, ID Arizona California Montana West Point, NY North Dakota Oregon Utah Washington State University University of Washington
IMAGES ["images"]
The Idaho Vandals Football Historical Game day Program Covers Collection consists of over 50 years worth of game day program...

Forests Idaho Northwest UI Water Rangeland Wilderness UIResearch Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Over 200 documents and reports created by faculty in the UI Foestry Department of the College of Natural Resources, 1954...

UI Idaho University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents", " blog posts"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents", " blog posts"] BLOG POSTS ["images", " documents", " blog posts"]
The Idaho Harvester features the most interesting and unique materials from Special Collections & Archives. We write about the images,...

Idaho Northwest Maps Mining Shoshone County, ID Wallace, ID Kellogg, ID Burke, ID Silver Valley, ID Mullan, ID Wardner, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A small collection of large maps that depict the Coeur D'Alene mining region, covering areas of Montana and Idaho (Shoshone...

Idaho UIResearch Oral History Idaho
VIDEOS ["videos", " transcripts"] TRANSCRIPTS ["videos", " transcripts"]
Idaho Queered is a collection of LGBTQ+ Oral Histories that were recorded during 2017-2018. Featuring interviews with queer Idahoans that...

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
This resources relates to the report 'Ground and Roof Snow Loads for Idaho,' which was released in 1986 by the...

Idaho Water Wilderness Mining UIResearch Idaho Coeur D'Alene, ID Lewiston, ID Boise, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Idaho Waters Digital Library provides access to information resources relating to water issues in key Idaho river basins. The...

UI UIResearch Maps Environmental Idaho
IMAGES ["images", " data"] DATA ["images", " data"]
INSIDE Idaho is the official geospatial data clearinghouse for the State of Idaho. INSIDE Idaho serves as a comprehensive geospatial...

UIResearch University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " records"] RECORDS ["documents", " records"]
Research articles and other documents produced by individuals and entities from the University of Idaho.

Forests Northwest UIResearch Inland Northwest
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of reports, studies, and documents published by the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative (IFTNC), a research cooperative composed...

IJC Jazz UI University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
COLLECTIONS ["collections"]
The International Jazz Collections (IJC) was formally established at the University of Idaho in 2000, featuring papers and photographs of...

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
SCORES ["scores"]
Joe Williams was a vocalist who began singing professionally in the late 1930's. He worked with the big bands of...

Idaho Water Agriculture UI Latah Idaho Washington Montgomery, AL Acoma Village, NM Topeka, KS St. Louis, MO Denver, CO Cheyenne, WY Little Bighorn Battlefield, MT Vaseux Lake, B.C.
IMAGES ["images"]
The images of the Kyle Laughlin Photograph Collection, taken from 1931 to 1979, depict Idaho's natural scenery and historic sites,...

Idaho Northwest Forests Wilderness Fire Latah Moscow, ID Potlatch, ID University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " image"] IMAGE ["documents", " image"]
The Latah County Common Heritage Collection was driven by funding from a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Common Heritage...

Idaho Latah Northwest Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
This collaborative project, between the Latah Preservation Commission (LPC) and the University of Idaho Library, illustrates the Latah County Historic...

Idaho Northwest Forests Wilderness Fire Latah Moscow, ID Potlatch, ID Oral History University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " audio"] AUDIO ["documents", " audio"]
In the mid 1970s, the Latah County Historical Society collected over 300 oral histories from local Northern Idaho residents who...

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Lee Morse was an American singer and songwriter. The collection includes mainly photographs and sound recordings.

UI Art University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
A COLLECTION OF MATERIALS INCLUDING POSTER DESIGNS, WORKING DRAFTS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND OFFICE FILES FROM LEO AMES'S TIME AS THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO'S CREATIVE DIRECTOR AND HEAD OF PUBLICATIONS. ["a collection of materials including poster designs, working drafts, correspondence, and office files from leo ames's time as the university of idaho's creative director and head of publications."]

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"] AUDIO ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"] ILLUSTRATIONS ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"] SCORES ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"] VIDEO ["images", " documents", " audio", " illustrations", " scores", " video"]
The Leonard Feather Collection includes a variety of materials that document and describe the Jazz scene during the middle of...

Idaho Agriculture Lewiston, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Lewiston Orchards Life was a newsletter published in Lewiston, Idaho during the early 1900s. The newsletter covers the residential and...

IJC Jazz UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " videos"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " videos"] VIDEOS ["documents", " images", " videos"]
A digital collection comprised of 30 years' worth of posters, programs, photographs, and oral histories related to the Lionel Hampton...

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " scores"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " scores"] SCORES ["documents", " images", " scores"]
The materials in the Lionel Hampton collection span most of his musical career, 1926–2002, with the bulk of the collection...

Oral History Moscow Moscow, ID
ESSAYS ["essays", " videos"] VIDEOS ["essays", " videos"]
An oral-historical exploration of the last video store in Moscow, Idaho, featuring interviews with former staff, customers, board members, and...

Idaho Labor War Boise, ID Germany
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " audio", " video"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " audio", " video"] AUDIO ["documents", " images", " audio", " video"] VIDEO ["documents", " images", " audio", " video"]
The Mark Brooks Calnon Collection consists of estate materials from 2nd. Lt. Mark Brooks Calnon, including memorabilia relating to his...

Idaho Water Wilderness McCall, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
A collection of family history-related items form the McCall Public Library

DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of publications from the University of Idaho's James A. and Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research

Science Fiction Moscow Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
MosCon was a vibrant regional science fiction convention based in Moscow, Idaho, organized by the Palouse Empire Science Fiction Association...

Moscow Grocery Food Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Digitized newsletters published by the Moscow Food Co-op, a cooperatively-owned grocery store in Moscow, Idaho. Newsletter content includes announcements and...

Idaho Northwest Forests Water Wilderness Washington Oregon Idaho Montana Wyoming British Columbia Alberta
IMAGES ["images"]
This digital collection of over 800 postcards comes from the historical photograph collections of the University of Idaho Library's Special...

Idaho Asian Americans Oral History Idaho
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " video"] VIDEO ["documents", " video"]
A collection of materials related to the oral history project produced from 1987-90 interviewing Asian American families about their experiences...

Idaho Latah Moscow Latah County, ID Moscow, ID Genesee, ID Potlatch, ID Princeton, ID Harvard, ID Lewiston, ID Clarkston, WA Troy, MT Livingston, MT Ralston, NE
IMAGES ["images", " newspaper"] NEWSPAPER ["images", " newspaper"]
Clifford M. Ott donated this broad collection of historical photographs in 1992. Ott was an avid amateur photographer who amassed...

Idaho Etymology Science Twin Falls, Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
Materials from the Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences records show images of a variety of insects and parasites which were...

Idaho Northwest Forests Wilderness Fire Latah Potlatch, ID Idaho
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
Potlatch Historical Society Collection Depicting life in and around Potlatch, Idaho from 1880 to 1998

Idaho Northwest Forests Wilderness Fire Latah Potlatch, ID Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
A collection of over 1500 photographs from the Potlatch Lumber Company

Idaho Northwest Water Forests Priest Lake, ID Upper Priest Lake, ID Priest River, ID Coolin, ID Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
A digital collection comprised of 380 historical photographs of Priest Lake, Idaho and the surrounding area. The images span the...

UI Idaho Music Jazz Composition University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A collection of scores, sketches, parts, and auxiliary material produced by University of Idaho Lionel Hampton School of Music Composition...

Idaho Northwest Latah Religion Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents", " audio"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents", " audio"] AUDIO ["images", " documents", " audio"]
Materials from the Frank B. Robinson Papers documenting Psychiana, a religion popular in the 1930s and 40s

IJC Jazz University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A small collection of the photographs and awards of Ray Brown, a renowned jazz double bassist and cellist.

Idaho Oral History Women Rural communities St. Maries, Idaho Lewiston, Idaho Potlatch, Idaho Kellogg, Idaho Orofino, Idaho
IMAGES ["images", "audio", "documents", "compound objects"] AUDIO ["images", "audio", "documents", "compound objects"] DOCUMENTS ["images", "audio", "documents", "compound objects"] COMPOUND OBJECTS ["images", "audio", "documents", "compound objects"]
Interviews with Idaho women in Latah, Benewah, Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Shoshone counties discussing the history of rural women's roles,...

Idaho Water Forests Wilderness Oral History Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Region Lolo Pass, MT Lolo Hot Springs, MT Elk Summit, ID Freeman Peak, ID Moose Meadows, ID Shissler Peak Lookout, ID Shearer Guard Station, ID Trapper Peak, ID Paradise Campground, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " podcasts"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " podcasts"] PODCASTS ["documents", " images", " podcasts"]
This collection represents the digital objects of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness History Project, which is an NEH funded exploration into the...

Northwest Native Americans War Central Idaho Beaverhead National Forest, MT White Bird Battlefield, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " newspaper"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " newspaper"] NEWSPAPER ["documents", " images", " newspaper"]
Writings and memorabilia of Stanton Gilbert Fisher, pioneer and Nez Perce War scout, 1840-1915. Most of the documents are Nez...

Mining wilderness Idaho Salmon River Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (Idaho) Chamberlain Basin, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A digital collection comprised of 540 historical photographs taken by William Allen Stonebraker at the turn of the century and...

Idaho Forests Wilderness Taylor Ranch, ID Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (Idaho)
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The nine log books in this collection detail daily events from 1997 to 2010 recounted by those living and working...

Idaho UI Research University of Idaho Moscow, ID
The Terry Abraham Web Archive preserves the writing, scholarship, and resources of Terry Abraham that were originally published on University...

Idaho Campus UI Sports University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " newspaper"] NEWSPAPER ["documents", " newspaper"]
The Argonaut is the newspaper of the University of Idaho. We hold historical copies from 1898+

Idaho Mining Fire Northwest Forests Wallace, ID Lolo Pass, MT Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Region
IMAGES ["images", " documents"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents"]
The Big Burn Collection is an online exhibit of materials related to the 'Big Burn' fires of 1910 that devastated...

Campus UI Literature University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
University of Idaho's Student Run Magazine

Forests Fire Wilderness Mining UI Idaho Sports Maps United States
MAPS ["maps"]
The Map Room is an interactive Google map application that allows users to browse over 8000 images on a digital...

UI Campus Politics University of Idaho (Admin Lawn) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A collection of photographs from the University of Idaho Historical Photographs Collection commemorating the 100th anniversary of President's Roosevelt's historic...

IMAGES ["images"]
A digital collection comprised of 242 photographs of life in Bovill, Idaho and surrounding areas from 1898 - 1943. These...

UI UIResearch University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
An open access repository of theses and dissertations (ETD) from University of Idaho graduate students. The collection includes complete electronic...

Environmental Water Forests Wilderness Mining Pacific Northwest
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
The Transitions Journal Digital Collection is a digital repository for Transitions, a conservation-focused publication edited and published by John Osborn...

UI Campus UIResearch University of Idaho (Commons) Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images", " video"] IMAGES ["documents", " images", " video"] VIDEO ["documents", " images", " video"]
A Digital Collection of Events from the Humanities Colloquium Series, Turning of the Wheel, University of Idaho | Moscow, Idaho...

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
The University of Idaho Campus Photograph Collection contains over 3000 historical photographs of the UI Campus from 1889 to the...

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
A digital collection comprised of 169 University of Idaho commencement programs and other pamphlets spanning the years 1896-2019.

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Historic Campus and Curriculum Information

UI Campus University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A variety of photographs from several photographic collections held by Special Collections & Archives that depict scenes from the University...

UI Campus University of Idaho Moscow, ID
DOCUMENTS ["documents", " images"] IMAGES ["documents", " images"]
The University of Idaho Student Organizations Collection is a collection of digitized historical images focused on student organizations and events...

Campus UI University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents", " video"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents", " video"] VIDEO ["images", " documents", " video"]
Newsletters and photographs from the University of Idaho Women's Center Records, 1970-2013.

Idaho UI Campus University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A curated exhibit of historic buildings over time on the University of Idaho campus

Campus UI Sports University of Idaho (Maclean Field, Neale Stadium, Kibbie Dome) Moscow, ID
VIDEO ["video"]
The Vandal Video Collection is a collection of 160+ digitized 16mm Film reels that were scouting videos for both football...

UI UIResearch University of Idaho (Library) Moscow, ID
VERSO preserves and provides access to the research and creative output of the University of Idaho's faculty, students and staff....

UIResearch Rodeo Oral History Texas Colorado New Mexico California
DOCUMENTS ["documents"]
Partnering with the International Gay Rodeo Association to collect and preserve people's experiences as LGBTQ+ westerners, this project seeks to...

Idaho Water Forests Coeur d'Alene, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
Images used in the making of the book White Pine - King of Many Waters

Idaho Railroads Palouse, Washington Potlach, Idaho Bovill, Idaho Deary, Idaho
IMAGES ["images"]
A digital collection of maps and blueprints from MG 139, Washington, Idaho & Montana (WI&M) Railway Records, 1903-1962. The items...

Idaho UI Women Water Forests University of Idaho (Maclean Field, Neale Stadium, Kibbie Dome) Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images", " documents"] DOCUMENTS ["images", " documents"]
A Collection of Journals and Photographs of the Women in Natural Resources (WiNR), an organization of University of Idaho faculty...

UI medical education wami program University of Idaho Moscow, ID
IMAGES ["images"]
A scrapbook of photos, correspondence, and clippings documenting WWAMI's early years from 1971 to 1975. To view the entire scrapbook...