Argonaut Issues from 2006
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 13rd, 2006 | 2006-01-13 |
ASUI aims for low numbers in fee jump: Fee process begins this semester; HIV-positive man faces 15 counts; UI senior dies in car wreck during break: Martina Clark remembered for her love of children; finalists square off for A&A dean position; Coming out of Facebook (p8); Remembering a Jazz festival staple (p11); Faurholt and Mitchell lead Vandals to win (p13); ASUI; HIV infectant; UI student death; A&A dean; Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival; Facebook; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - January 18th, 2006 | 2006-01-18 |
Mubita: "not guilty" to six counts: One women identified as UI student; Moscow merchants closing their doors; Mentoring lunch program adds personal aspect; New finance VP prepared for UI challenges; Spielberg in top form with 'Munich' (p7); Mubita; Moscow merchants; lunch program; New finance VP; Spielberg |
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The Argonaut - January 20th, 2006 | 2006-01-20 |
Learning safe sex the hard way: Student talks of encounter with Mubita, Learning of his HIV status; Belton's charges increase: Wide reciever arraigned for disturbing the peace; Walking a mile in abused shoes; Rust prepares for pretrial conference: Fraternity, football player skirmish events continue; entrepreneurship program holds business plan competition; ASUI focuses on funding, gay marriage amendment (p4); Bulldogs Pummel Vandals (p10); Learning safe sex; Football; Racism; ASUI; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - January 24th, 2006 | 2006-01-24 |
Alcohol task force preps for spring; ASUI creates file sharing ruckus; Legislature may vote pay raises: Second increase in two months averages 3 percent; Student health center may be relocating; Student faces life in prison: McNally found guilty of sex crime; Vandals fall to Spartans (p9); Alcohol tasks; ASUI; Student Health Center; Sex crime; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - January 27th, 2006 | 2006-01-27 |
Marriage amendment returns; Living with the stigma of HIV: In wake of Mubita case, infected students want people to think; Seven more counts for Mubita: Public defender wants all counts in one trial; Woolston picked to head CAA initially; Eliott gets public defender for gun altercation: Prosecutor: evidence does not indicate hate crime; Marriage amendments; HIV; Mubita; CAA; Gun altercation |
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The Argonaut - January 31st, 2006 | 2006-01-31 |
Jazz fest director to retire; Former adminstrator charged with felony: Schoenberg accused of taking money for personal use; Guilty plea for Belton: Faces fines, suspensions; Making Moscow looks like a million bucks; If you build it, they will walk; City, state and school work on protecting pedestrians; Change of plans for team: EWU drops UI for more lucrative deal with OSU (p9); Jazz fest director; Football; protecting pedestrians; Basektball |
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The Argonaut - February 3rd, 2006 | 2006-02-03 |
Back to basics for ASUI; Salary survey shows faculty left in the dust: White says he is commited to raising salaries; Elliot gets new lawyer; UI residences looking for a few good RA's: Residence, RA's disagree on turnover; Rust pleads guilty to lesser charges: Initially accused of battery, football player pays fine; Vandals lose fourth straight (p10); ASUI; salary survey; UI residence; Football; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 7th, 2006 | 2006-02-07 |
Holt bolts for Rams; Schoenberg: 'Not guilty' to charge: March 6 trial date set for former school offiical; Mubita pleads not guilty to seven additonal charges: Bond reduction denied, Moscow man remains in jail for now; 'Monologues' could be better than ever; Vandals win one in the WAC: Conference victory breaks 10-game losing streak (p9); Football; Mubita; Prison; Monologues; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 10th, 2006 | 2006-02-10 |
Students join walmart fight; UI coach comes home; Keep it safe convinient, and affordable HIV testing; DUI charge for vandal quarterback; Grad student finds rare worm: Giant palouse worm rediscovered after 20-year absence; Vandals capture win (p10); Walmart fight; Football; HIV; Palouse worm; Basektball |
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The Argonaut - February 14th, 2006 | 2006-02-14 |
The 20-year-old virgin: Not all UI students are sexually active, some of them tell their stories here; ASUI speculates on increase in student fees; Council busy planning vandal friday, recruitment; Perfecting his throw: Track and field athlete sacrifices other loves for primary passion (p9); Virgins; ASUI; Vandal Friday; Track and Field |
Showing 1 to 10 of 67 entries