Argonaut Issues from 1984
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 10th, 1984 | 1984-01-10 |
ASUI president 1984-. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Baseball club (pg 20, c1) | Basketball, Women's team (pg 19, c1) | Budget - State Funding formula (pg 11, c1) | Chairs faculty council. Photo (pg 8, c4) | Economics professor. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Electrical Engineering- registration for labs (pg 7, c1) | Learning resource center (pg 10, c4) | Meets - women's team. Photos (pg 19, c1) | President of U of I. Photo p.8 (pg 1, c1) | Professor of French. Portrait (pg 14, c1) | Registration - Televised course availability (pg 2, c1) | Remodel (pg 9, c3) | Student financial aid (pg 9, c3) | Student summer newspaper (pg 9, c3) | UI vs. Gonzaga (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. San Francisco (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. University of Washington (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. Washington State University (non -conference play) (pg 19, c1) | University of Idaho - Research (pg 14, c1) | Varsity team (pg 24, c1) | Varsity team vs. Eastern Washington State (pg 27, c3) | Varsity team vs. San Siege State University (pg 27, c1) Leclaire, Tom; Baseball club; Basketball, Women's team; Budget - State Funding formula; Zakrajsek, Dorothy; Wenders, Jack; Electrical Engineering- registration for labs; Learning resource center; Swimming; Gibb, Richard; Rose, Alan; Registration - Televised course availability; Ridenbaugh Hall; Student financial aid; Summer Sun; Basketball, Women's; University of Idaho - Research; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 13th, 1984 | 1984-01-13 |
ASUI-lobbyist (pg 2, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 13, c3) | Basketball, Women's team (pg 13, c3) | Basketball, Women's team (pg 18, c1) | Director of university information (pg 6, c4) | President of U of I (pg 1, c1) | Proposed recreation area - ski area (pg 1, c1) | Spring registration (pg 2, c2) | Tamarack Ski area (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College (pg 13, c1) ASUI-lobbyist; Raese, Mary Ann; Westerwelle, Mary; Basketball, Women's team; Basketball, Women's team; Grebner, Marythea; Gibb, Richard; Proposed recreation area - ski area; Spring registration; Tamarack Ski area; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 17th, 1984 | 1984-01-17 |
Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 2, c1) | Found Money Fund of Idaho (FMFI) (pg 12, c3) | Found Money Fund of Idaho (FMFI) (pg 6, c1) | Mark IV-All Comer meet (Men's and women's) (pg 7, c1) | Meets - women's team (pg 10, c1) | Meets (pg 10, c1) | Secret ballot vote (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 7, c4) | UI vs. Weber State (pg 7, c4) | Varsity team vs. University of Montana (pg 9, c1) Pace, Lois; Found Money Fund of Idaho (FMFI); Track; Swimming; ASUI-lobbyist; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 20th, 1984 | 1984-01-20 |
Admission requirements and regulations (pg 1, c1) | Core curriculum (pg 3, c1) | Faculty, U of I, Assistant professor of Civil Engineering. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Tamarack Ski area (pg 8, c1) | Teacher evaluation (pg 2, c2) Admission requirements and regulations; Core curriculum; Byers, Roland O.; Tamarack Ski area; Teacher evaluation; |
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The Argonaut - January 23rd, 1984 | 1984-01-23 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c2) | College of Education faculty. Retires. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Executive Director if Idaho State Board of Education. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Expands membership (pg 6, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. University of Montana (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University. Photo (pg 7, c1) | WAMI program (pg 2, c1) | Washington-Alaska-Montana-Idaho medical school program. Fee hike proposed (pg 2, c1) | Washington-Oregon-Idaho veterinary medicine program. Proposed fee hike (pg 2, c1) | WOI program (pg 2, c1) ASUI-Senate; Kaus, Paul; McQuillen, Charles; University of Idaho Foundation; 'College Bowl' team; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Fees; WAMI program; WOI program; Fees; |
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The Argonaut - January 27th, 1984 | 1984-01-27 |
Basketball, Women's team (pg 14, c1) | Director of UI galleries. Photo (pg 7, c3) | Football player. Drafted by USFL (pg 13, c4) | Invitational meets (pg 12, c2) | Meets - women's team. Photo (pg 11, c1) | Meets (pg 11, c1) | Per-registration (pg 3, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team (pg 13, c2) | Ski team (pg 12, c1) | Varsity team vs. Northern Arizona University. Photo (pg 11, c1) | WAMI program (pg 1, c1) | WOI program (pg 1, c1) Basketball, Women's team; Ecton, Kathy; Seman, Steve; Skiing; Swimming; Per-registration; Hobart, Ken; Ski team; Basketball; Fees; Fees; |
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The Argonaut - January 31st, 1984 | 1984-01-31 |
Basketball player. Photo (pg 7, c3) | Director of handicapped services. Photo (pg 3, c1) | Invitational meets (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 13, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Eastern Washington State (pg 9, c1) | WAMI program (pg 1, c1) | WOI program (pg 1, c1) Edmonds, Kris; Milhollin, Dianne; Skiing; American Festival Ballet; Hobart, Ken; Basketball, Women's; Fees; Fees; |
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The Argonaut - February 3rd, 1984 | 1984-02-03 |
Faculty, U of I instructor in music (pg 7, c3) | In-State tuition (pg 1, c1) | State Board of Education (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Portland State (pg 11, c4) | Varsity team vs. Weber State University (pg 12, c1) Billingsley, William A.; In-State tuition; State Board of Education; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 7th, 1984 | 1984-02-07 |
Basketball player (pg 11, c1) | Basketball, Women's team (pg 16, c1) | Campus lighting (pg 22, c0) | Joe Vandal -Neon-Sign (pg 21, c4) | Photo (pg 18, c1) | Security in dorms (pg 1, c0) | Sign language teacher (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. Boise State University (pg 16, c1) | UI vs. Portland State (pg 16, c1) | Vandal indoor track and field meet. Photos on p.12 (pg 11, c1) | Washington-Alaska-Montana-Idaho medical school program (pg 1, c7) | Washington-Oregon-Idaho veterinary medicine program (pg 2, c1) Reitz, Pete; Basketball, Women's team; Campus lighting; Joe Vandal -Neon-Sign; Men's rugby (Blue Mountain Rugby club); Dormitories; Miller, Rocky; Basketball, Women's; Track; WAMI program; WOI program; |
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The Argonaut - February 10th, 1984 | 1984-02-10 |
Basketball, Women's team (pg 18, c1) | Faculty evaluation by students (pg 2, c1) | Matches (pg 15, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Montana (pg 15, c1) | Vice president of Development. Photo (pg 1, c1) Basketball, Women's team; Faculty evaluation by students; Women's Tennis; Basketball; Laughton, Jack; |
Showing 1 to 10 of 62 entries