Argonaut Issues from 1962
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 5th, 1962 | 1962-01-05 |
'Moby Dick' - one-man performance. Photo (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, Instructor in geology. U of I. Photo (pg 1, c3) | First security (pg 1, c1) | Forestry laboratory (pg 3, c3) | National Science Foundation Institute (pg 3, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Portland University (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College. Photo (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College. Photo (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Wyoming (pg 4, c4) Hanson, Philip; Grimm, Kenneth E.; Scholarships; Forestry laboratory; National Science Foundation Institute; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 9th, 1962 | 1962-01-09 |
Campus literary magazine (pg 1, c8) | Coffee shop. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c7) | Hanson, Philip (pg 1, c1) | International Intercollegiate meet (pg 4, c6) | National scholastic honorary (pg 1, c6) | Professor of Chemistry. Head of Physical Science (pg 3, c3) | ROTC unit (pg 2, c2) | Scholarships (pg 3, c4) I' magazine; The Nest; Cosmopolitan Club; Hanson, Philip; Skiing; Phi Kappa Phi; Renfrew, Malcolm; Davey, Harry; Scholarships; |
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The Argonaut - January 12th, 1962 | 1962-01-12 |
ASUI-activities council (pg 1, c5) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c2) | Cross-country (pg 4, c3) | Faculty. Journalism. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c5) | Governor of Idaho 1955- (pg 1, c5) | Grades (pg 1, c0) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 2, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) ASUI-activities council; Cosmopolitan Club; Douglas, Dick; Price, Granville; Smylie, Robert E.; Grades; Sigma Delta Chi; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 16th, 1962 | 1962-01-16 |
Campus Union party (pg 1, c2) | Community concert (pg 1, c1) | Community concert. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Football - Coaching staff (pg 1, c7) | Football (pg 1, c7) | Freshmen team (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Play production class (pg 1, c3) | Public events. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Ski team (pg 4, c6) | Swimming team (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c7) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c3) Campus Union party; Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo; Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo; Football - Coaching staff; Football; Swimming; Stahley, J. Neil (Skip); Television - campus closed circuit network; One-Act-Plays; Snow, Edgar; Ski team; Swimming team; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 19th, 1962 | 1962-01-19 |
Community concert. Photo (pg 1, c7) | Debate - Inland Empire Debate tournament (pg 2, c4) | Football - Coaching staff - searching for new head coach - 1962 (pg 6, c8) | Freshmen team (pg 6, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Governor of Idaho 1955- . Photo (pg 1, c1) | International youth exchange (pg 3, c4) | Public events (pg 1, c1) | Staff (editor) (pg 1, c1) | Student representative assembly (pg 1, c5) | Top news story of the year. Top editorials (pg 1, c4) | Top news story of the year. Top editorials (pg 2, c1) | Top news story of the year. Top editorials. Photo (pg 4, c1) Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo; Debate - Inland Empire Debate tournament; Football - Coaching staff - searching for new head coach - 1962; Swimming; Gifts to University of Idaho; Smylie, Robert E.; Falk, Carol; Snow, Edgar; The Idaho Argonaut; Student representative assembly; The Idaho Argonaut; The Idaho Argonaut; The Idaho Argonaut; |
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The Argonaut - February 6th, 1962 | 1962-02-06 |
Faculty, Dept of animal husbandry, U of I (pg 2, c2) | Football - Coaching staff - searching for new head coach - 1962 (pg 4, c5) | Head - Department of Humanities (pg 3, c4) | Lambda Delta Sigma (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | President, University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c6) Barnhart, Dr. John Love; Football - Coaching staff - searching for new head coach - 1962; Hunter, William; Lambda Delta Sigma; Spring registration; Theophilus, Donald R.; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 9th, 1962 | 1962-02-09 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 1, c1) | Blood drive (pg 4, c6) | Blue Bucket Inn (pg 1, c8) | Football (pg 5, c3) | Library - holdings (pg 4, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Women journalism honorary (pg 3, c4) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Blood drive; Blue Bucket Inn; Mooney, Dick; Library - holdings; Forester's ball; Student representative assembly; Theta Sigma Phi; |
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The Argonaut - February 13th, 1962 | 1962-02-13 |
Current world problem discussions (pg 1, c7) | Freshmen team vs. Whitworth (pg 4, c7) | Freshmen team vs. Yakima Jr. College. Photo (pg 4, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c1) Great decision; Basketball; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Spring registration; Forester's ball; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 16th, 1962 | 1962-02-16 |
Campus Union party (pg 1, c1) | Elections (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 4, c4) Campus Union party; Class officers; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 20th, 1962 | 1962-02-20 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 2, c3) | Cannon. Photo (pg 4, c4) | Convention (pg 1, c1) | Debate - All Idaho speech tournament (pg 1, c1) | Freshmen team vs. Lewiston (Lewis-Clark) Normal (pg 6, c7) | Head football coach. Photo (pg 1, c7) | Northwest NCAA meet (pg 5, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | RILC speaker. Photo (pg 3, c7) | Scabbard and blade (pg 5, c4) | The 4-H club (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College. Photo (pg 6, c3) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE); Campus Union party; Debate - All Idaho speech tournament; Basketball; Andros, Dee; Skiing; Football - Coaching staff - searching for new head coach - 1962; Morris, Daniel; Scabbard and blade; The 4-H club; Basketball; |
Showing 1 to 10 of 58 entries