Argonaut Issues from 1945
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 5th, 1945 | 1945-01-05 |
All girl singing orchestra (pg 1, c2) | Governor of Idaho, 1945. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Fort George Wright (pg 4, c3) | Veterans (pg 1, c0) All girl singing orchestra; Gossett, Charles C.; Brown, J.A. (Bebe); Basketball; University of Idaho - Expansion; Basketball; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - January 11th, 1945 | 1945-01-11 |
1950 addition (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-activity awards (pg 1, c7) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c5) | Library (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Student deferment (pg 1, c8) | Taylor, John (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene. Photo (pg 4, c3) Student union building; ASUI-activity awards; Intramural sports; Library; Yell team; Banks, Col. Ted; Selective service act; Taylor, John; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 18th, 1945 | 1945-01-18 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Debate (pg 2, c4) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c4) | New program (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Veterans (pg 1, c2) | Veterans (pg 1, c6) | WAA Volleyball (pg 3, c8) Papa id All'; Debate; Intramural sports; School of Education; Overholser, Jeff; Basketball; Veterans; Veterans; WAA Volleyball; |
The Argonaut - January 25th, 1945 | 1945-01-25 |
All girl singing orchestra (pg 1, c8) | Finances, University-editorial (pg 1, c1) | Library course (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Spring registration (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College. Photo (pg 4, c13) All girl singing orchestra; Finances, University-editorial; Library course; All girl singing orchestra; Smith, Bob; Spring registration; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 1st, 1945 | 1945-02-01 |
All girl singing orchestra (pg 1, c7) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c4) | Nurse training program (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Red Cross (pg 1, c2) | Spring registration (pg 1, c8) | Student deferment (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) All girl singing orchestra; Intramural sports; Nurse training program; Watson, Fred; Schiferl, Charles; Associated Women Students; Spring registration; Selective service act; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 15th, 1945 | 1945-02-15 |
University of Idaho - Research found (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Veterans guidance center (pg 1, c2) University of Idaho - Research found; Basketball; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - February 22nd, 1945 | 1945-02-22 |
University of Idaho president, 1920-1928 (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c4) Upham, A.H. (Alfred); Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 1st, 1945 | 1945-03-01 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c3) ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 8th, 1945 | 1945-03-08 |
All girl singing orchestra (pg 1, c1) | Elections (pg 1, c5) | Photos (pg 1, c8) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) All girl singing orchestra; Associated Women Students; ASUI-Executive Board; Track - University of Idaho; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 15th, 1945 | 1945-03-15 |
1950 addition (pg 1, c6) | Debate (pg 1, c1) | Elections (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho - Research found (pg 1, c6) Student union building; Debate; Associated Women Students; University of Idaho - Research found; |
The Argonaut - March 22nd, 1945 | 1945-03-22 |
Art building (pg 1, c6) | Baseball (pg 4, c4) | National Honorary for Jr. and Sr. women. Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 2, c4) Art building; Baseball; Cardinal Key; Merrill, Gerry; |
The Argonaut - March 29th, 1945 | 1945-03-29 |
Curriculum (pg 3, c4) | Library - holdings (pg 1, c3) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 - resignation (pg 1, c5) Summer school; Library - holdings; Dale, Harrison C.; |
The Argonaut - April 5th, 1945 | 1945-04-05 |
Intramural sports (pg 4, c5) | Scholarship (pg 3, c3) | Student - Faculty relations (pg 1, c5) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho - Research found (pg 2, c5) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 4, c7) | Walker, Eleanor (pg 2, c3) Intramural sports; National Association for Infantile Paralysis; Student - Faculty relations; Track - University of Idaho; University of Idaho - Research found; Track; Baseball; Walker, Eleanor; |
The Argonaut - April 12nd, 1945 | 1945-04-12 |
Plenty of wine, women, song highlight junior week: rally, prom, and cabaret included in festivities; Students bring up problems with faculty, ROTC receives inspection from Lt. Col. G. Webster; Oretega addresses student groups on Inter-America; Faculty to visit high schools in Northern Idaho; IR club attends Pullman meeting; I club initiates skate in skirts (p2); U. of I. receives research grant (p2); G. I. report (p2); University receives breeder’s award (p2); Track, baseball teams to play Whitman (p4); All-girl orchestra appears in southern Idaho (p4); Rifle team men to get letters (p4) Graduation preparation; Forestry; Agriculture; Mining; Engineering; ASTU; ROTC; Track and Field; Baseball; Rifle; ASTRP Exams |
The Argonaut - April 19th, 1945 | 1945-04-19 |
Baseball (pg 4, c6) | Football (pg 4, c8) | Freshman week (pg 1, c2) | Phi Beta Kappa (pg 3, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 4, c6) Baseball; Football; Freshman week; Phi Beta Kappa; Pacific Forensic conference; Track; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 26th, 1945 | 1945-04-26 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Baseball (pg 4, c1) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho - Construction (pg 1, c8) Fresh Fields'; Baseball; Martin, Boyd A.; Pedaling professors; University of Idaho - Construction; |
The Argonaut - May 3rd, 1945 | 1945-05-03 |
Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 2, c4) | Navy ROTC (pg 1, c7) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) Gifts to University of Idaho; Navy ROTC; Track - University of Idaho; |
The Argonaut - May 10th, 1945 | 1945-05-10 |
Baseball (pg 6, c3) | College of Law (pg 2, c5) | Commencement (pg 1, c4) | May fete (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 2, c5) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 6, c4) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 3, c1) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 5, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 6, c4) | V-E day (pg 1, c7) Baseball; College of Law; Commencement; May fete; Dairy Science building; Track - University of Idaho; University of Idaho - Expansion; University of Idaho - Expansion; University of Idaho - Expansion; Tennis; V-E day; |
The Argonaut - May 17th, 1945 | 1945-05-17 |
ASUI (pg 1, c8) | Faculty club (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Staff (pg 3, c5) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) | Veterans (pg 1, c4) ASUI; Faculty club; Howard, Pendleton; May queen; Summer school; Track; Baseball; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - May 24th, 1945 | 1945-05-24 |
Commencement (pg 1, c4) | Erickson, Ruth (pg 1, c6) | Faculty. Dean of Education. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Summer school (pg 1, c8) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | United Nations conference (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c2) Commencement; Erickson, Ruth; Weltzin, J.F.; Krussman, Marian; Thompson, Jean; Golf; Summer school; Track - University of Idaho; United Nations conference; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 30th, 1945 | 1945-05-30 |
Baccalaureate exercises (pg 1, c3) | Commencement (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) | Wells, Richard H. (pg 1, c4) Baccalaureate exercises; Commencement; Baseball; Tennis; Wells, Richard H.; |
The Argonaut - September 19th, 1945 | 1945-09-19 |
Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Faculty club (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, U of I college of law (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Research (pg 2, c5) | University of Idaho - Construction (pg 1, c3) | Veterans (pg 1, c0) Enrollment - University of Idaho; Faculty club; Brockelbank, William J.; Navy ROTC; Football; School of Mines; University of Idaho - Construction; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - September 27th, 1945 | 1945-09-27 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c2) | Football (pg 4, c3) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c4) | Veterans (pg 3, c6) ASUI-Executive Board; Football; Track - University of Idaho; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - October 4th, 1945 | 1945-10-04 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c2) | Faculty. Architecture. University of Idaho (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho - Research personnel (pg 2, c1) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 4, c5) | Veterans (pg 1, c2) ASUI-Elections; Prichard, Theodore J.; University of Idaho - Research personnel; Football; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - October 11th, 1945 | 1945-10-11 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 1, c2) | Faculty club (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c7) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c6) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Faculty club; Beulah Garrard Dale Scholarship cup; Track - University of Idaho; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 18th, 1945 | 1945-10-18 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture. U of I. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Faculty. Associate Director of Student Affairs (pg 6, c4) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 4, c3) | Faculty. Department of Zoology. University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Gift to (pg 5, c6) | Neale Stadium (pg 5, c5) | Photo (pg 6, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 6, c3) ASUI-Elections; Iddings, E.J.; Wicks, Guy; Martin, Boyd A.; Stough, Howard B.; Department of Geology; Neale Stadium; Vandal boosters; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 25th, 1945 | 1945-10-25 |
President of U of I, 1937-1946 (pg 1, c1) | Ringgenberg, Clayton (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana. Photo (pg 4, c1) Dale, Harrison C.; Ringgenberg, Clayton; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 1st, 1945 | 1945-11-01 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Gift to Electrical Engineering department (pg 1, c4) | KUOI (pg 1, c6) | Mortar board (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c4) | Veterans' housing (pg 1, c2) Night of January 16th'; Gift to Electrical Engineering department; KUOI; Mortar Board; Barnes, Merril; Track; Veterans' housing; |
The Argonaut - November 8th, 1945 | 1945-11-08 |
Basketball (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c4) | Winter Sports (pg 4, c4) Basketball; Benward, Bruce; Football; Winter Sports; |
The Argonaut - November 15th, 1945 | 1945-11-15 |
ASUI general manager (pg 1, c7) | ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Gifts (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Team (pg 4, c1) Mix, Gale; 'Night of January 16th'; Law Library; Basketball; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - November 21st, 1945 | 1945-11-21 |
Photo (pg 1, c8) | Team. Photo (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c7) Elder, Carolyn M.; Track - Cross country; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 29th, 1945 | 1945-11-29 |
Photo (pg 4, c4) | Ski ground development (pg 1, c1) | Team (pg 4, c1) | World Student Service Fund (pg 1, c3) Anderson, Jack; Ski ground development; Track - Cross country; World Student Service Fund; |
The Argonaut - December 6th, 1945 | 1945-12-06 |
Agricultural Research (pg 4, c1) | Basketball (pg 6, c3) | Executive dean. Vice president for Academic Affairs - 1961. University of Idaho (pg 5, c3) | Navy ROTC (pg 1, c7) Agricultural Research; Basketball; Steffens, Walter; Navy ROTC; |
The Argonaut - December 13th, 1945 | 1945-12-13 |
Debate - Forensic Triangular meet (pg 1, c3) | Institute of Pacific Relations (pg 1, c7) | Library displays (pg 5, c3) | National Honorary for Jr. and Sr. women (pg 2, c2) | Ski ground development (pg 2, c3) | Spring registration (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Farragut Naval Base. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 6, c1) Debate - Forensic Triangular meet; Institute of Pacific Relations; Library displays; Cardinal Key; Ski ground development; Spring registration; Basketball; |